Internal Communications | October 2024

Hundreds of communicators gathered at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington for Ragan’s In

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Smart Brevity® count: 1.5 mins...451 words

Hundreds of communicators gathered at Microsoft’s headquarters in Redmond, Washington for Ragan’s Internal Communications Conference.

We discussed ways to engage employees and enhance their work experience, aiming not only to boost job satisfaction but also to improve business performance and the bottom line.

Here are the key takeaways from our time together…

Microsoft CCO Frank Shaw on the ‘dream state’ of AI and comms


Tech and AI dominated much of the conversation at the Internal Communications Conference, starting with CCO Shaw’s opening keynote.

  • 💬 “There are some things that will remain uniquely human,” he assured the room, “but other areas you can get an assist from AI.”

Beyond the more well-known tasks it can handle, like content creation and editing, Shaw suggested that communicators should implement AI as a source of feedback.

“Think about AI as a persona, as a sparring partner, as a brainstorming buddy,” Shaw said.

Go deeper: How AI can enhance your internal communications workflow

Thanks to our sponsors!


Think ‘when, not if’ to change your mindset

think big

Author and resiliency expert Deborah Gilboa, known as Dr. G, took the stage to discuss stress – and dropped a key piece of advice on being more change competent.

“Use the word ‘when,’ not ‘if,’” she said. “‘If’ sends a signal to the brain that something is a failure, ‘when’ says it’s inevitable and positions you for success.”

Fresh ideas for RTO strategies, wellbeing and crisis comms

Key takeaways

The conference explored solutions to help craft engaging messaging for employees craving authenticity in an era of cut-and-paste communications.

  • At its core was the message of connectivity and placing comms at the center of an organization.

While crisis comms were a hot topic, Assaf Kedem of BNP Paribas urged communicators to remember that “crisis communication isn’t just about dousing fires, it’s also about communicating your organization’s values.”

Go deeper: More takeaways from the conference

Recap brought to you by Axios HQ

Axios HQ Software

We used Axios HQ’s software to put this conference recap together!

Axios HQ equips organizations with the tools, data, and best practices to be world-class communicators.

  • Their software is helping 700+ organizations craft and deliver clear, concise communications org-wide.

  • Their services team have worked with hundreds of departments to master Smart Brevity® with training and editing engagements.

👉 Connect with the HQ team to learn more about their comms solutions.

Registration for the Internal Communications Conference 2025 is open!

Join us again on October 14-16, 2025 at the Microsoft Headquarters. Use code ICC600 to save $600 on your registration. Discount ends November 1, 2024.

👏 Thanks for taking the time to catch up. A few additional upcoming events to have on your radar:

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