Advanced lighting technology boosts yield by 30%, improves quality, reduces labor, and cuts installation costs by 80%.
Introducing MegaDrive UnderCanopyAdvanced lighting technology that powers bigger yields, higher quality, and reduces labor. Increases yield by up to 30% and cuts installation costs by 80%.
Over the past five years, cannabis growers have become very interested in under-canopy lighting to improve yield and quality. We are now introducing the revolutionary MegaDrive UnderCanopy LED, a game-changing solution designed to address the challenges of traditional under-canopy lighting. With a central power supply located outside the grow area, our system eliminates excess heat, simplifies installation, and provides sealed, durable fixtures that are easy to clean—even with pressure washing. The MegaDrive UnderCanopy LED is the ultimate solution to enhance yield and flower quality in both indoor and greenhouse environments. |
Advanced Lighting Technology That Powers Bigger Yields, Higher Quality, and Reduces Labor | 30% Increases yield by up to 30% with higher percentage of “A” buds | 80% Reduces installation by up to 80% - can be installed by unskilled labor | 80 Remote power supply runs up to 80 lights from a single power drop | Grow Smarter with MegaDrive UnderCanopy MegaDrive is a turnkey LED system that includes LED fixtures, power supplies, cables, and connectors, custom-designed to perfectly suit your application needs. No electronics in the fixtures – driver can be located outside the grow space. Waterproof for easy cleaning and resistance to high humidity. Designed for greenhouses and large-scale commercial operations. | Greenhouse Perfect for long bench runs – up to 160 feet. Increases overall yield by up to 30%. Boosts “A” bud percentage and reduces de-leafing. Works on benches up to 6 feet wide. | Indoor and Multi-Level No power drops or drivers on the shelves. Less heat and risk of water damage. Simple installation and relocation. Easy cleaning with waterproof lenses | |
Transpire Media LLC
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