The full custom interior enjoys a supersized laundry and utility room on the lower deck, a watch bunk in the bridge for night crossings, and clear visibility from the main salon to both the bridge and lower deck via an open spiral staircase that links all three decks and is topped by a skylight. The interior features fine quarter-sawn American walnut and neutral base fabrics. It’s paired with chic decorative soft furnishings in warm tones that reflect North America’s radiant Indian summers. With the keel scheduled to be laid in early September 2023, the Doggersbank 77’ Offshore is set to deliver in 2025. “Owning a durable, Dutch-designed, steel-hulled explorer built in the Netherlands has been a long-held dream for this owner,” says Bouwhuis. “Realising his own full-custom Doggersbank is something he’s delighted to be able to tick off his bucket list.” |