Colds seem menacing these days. If one of my kids comes down with a runny nose or sore throat, I worry. Is it COVID? Will we have to cancel everything on our schedules? How sick will we all get? Or is it a deadly form of strep throat? Aggressive, sometimes life-threatening strep infections have spiked globally.
Here in Canada, 327 cases of invasive Strep A were reported between August 2022 and February 11, 2023—nearly 100 more than average. Some cases can fly under the radar until it’s too late: since October, more than eight per cent of cases involving children and youth in Ontario have been fatal. That’s a terrifyingly high number.
John McCormick, a molecular microbiologist at the Lawson Health Research Institute in London, Ontario, studies such infections. In this Maclean’s Q&A, he explains what’s behind the surge, whether Canadians should be worried about the rise in cases and how we can protect ourselves against infection.
—Sarah Fulford, editor-in-chief