Dear Reader, When the times are a-changin’, you must change too I did a survey a while back, and 45% of you said that 0–20% of your portfolio is invested in bonds. 51% said that if you were starting a portfolio from scratch, you would keep the same allocation to bonds. Those results don’t matter, though… because if you read The Portfolio Every Investor Should Have and we re-ran the survey, I bet the results would be quite different. Why? To quote Bob Dylan, for the times, they are a-changin’... A couple of years ago, we were in the biggest bull market of the century… the S&P skyrocketed over 300%, interest rates were at all-time lows. Now? Everything has changed. And when that happens, you need a portfolio ready to adapt to the changing market, while at the same time avoiding financial decapitation. And you can’t do that if you keep all your money in stocks. That leaves one thing… I get it, bonds have a serious PR problem. Few assets are more misunderstood and underappreciated than bonds. One thing they have going for them is that they're simple and easy to understand. Sometimes, investing smarter requires no brains at all. It requires survival instinct. It's not the most intelligently put-together portfolios that survive. The portfolios that survive are the ones that can adapt and adjust to a changing environment. So if you want to do a portfolio “check-up,” click here. You might discover there’s something lacking… Better yet, if you want to see what an adaptable portfolio looks like, then check out: Within minutes, you’ll learn exactly how to build a practical, solid portfolio. It’s not the sexiest way to make money, but it works. Click here to see The Portfolio Every Investor Should Have. Jared Dillian Mauldin Economics |