Dear customer, For all players in the field of data centres, there are 2 influential fairs on the agenda. On November 15, we take part on the IT Room Infra in Den Bosch, and on the 23rd and 24th, we are in Frankfurt on the Data Center World, standnr. 370. |
Hereby we invite you to our stand at one or both fairs. We would like to introduce you to Mulder-Hardenberg as a Solutions Partner in the field of passive infrastructure within data centres. In addition to our well-known products and services, we will also focus on new skills such as Power and Power Monitoring and Structured Fibre Solutions. During the fair we will present to you, together with our well known and new partners as Warren & Brown, Geist Power, OEC solutions and Splice UK very interesting solutions. Sign up for tickets on the links below and we love to talk with you at the fair! |