Win-wind solutions in the Baltic Sea region

Tuesday, 10 September 2024  | 15:30 - 17:00 CET


The offshore wind potential in the Baltic Sea region is estimated to be close to 100 GW by 2050. The first Baltic offshore projects will come online in the next few years and will gradually contribute to the decarbonisation of the Baltic energy systems. However, in order to take full advantage of the favourable geographical conditions in the Baltic Sea region and to meet the ambitious EU climate targets, it is important to keep pace with the next projects in the pipeline.

Two important documents adopted by the European Commission in the final phase of the last political term - the Grid Action Plan and the European Wind Power Package – can act as a tailwind for the offshore wind projects. However, both need to be translated into legislation and need to be fully implemented.

This conference will take stock of the current state of offshore wind development in the Baltic Sea region two years after the historic Marienborg Declaration. It will discuss how policy makers can help project developers to implement ambitious offshore plans in the region by addressing the following issues:

1. What kind of regulatory framework at EU and Member State level is needed for existing and new offshore projects?

2. What incentives are needed to enable new offshore investment and help the EU meet its targets?

3. How can European industry contribute to this task for the benefit of the European economy and citizens?

This event is organised by PGE with Euractiv as Media Partner.

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