Embracing Prior Learning Assessment
Not all learning takes place in the classroom. Students often gain valuable knowledge and applicable skills on the job, during military service, through certifications, or from life experiences. The Recognition of Learning, also known as Prior learning assessment (PLA) makes it possible for students to earn academic credit for nontraditional learning. Eight out of ten U.S. higher education institutions offer one or more PLA options to students, but it’s still not always easy for students to earn credits for a variety of reasons. Those that are able to earn credits thanks to PLA often finish degrees that they otherwise would not have.
Join us for a discussion with noted experts about the power of recognizing prior learning to support student success.
Thursday, December 10 from 1:00 - 2:30 PM ET
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Learn from Thought Leaders in the Field
Matt Bergman
University of Louisville
Cristy Sugarman
North Shore Community College
Philip Giarraffa
Miami Dade College
Carla Hamaty
Miami Dade College, Eduardo J. Padrón Campus
Sarah Leibrandt
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Patrick Lane
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
Becky Klein-Collins
Council for Adult and Experiential Learning
Wendy Sedlak
Lumina Foundation
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About Our Virtual Convenings
Lumina Foundation’s Convenings are a series of virtual events aimed at tackling the most pressing issues for today’s postsecondary education students. It’s time to spark a shift in America — to make learning more accessible, equitable and applicable.
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