International Olympic Committee Press Release

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July 6, 2017

IOC meetings - 9 to 12 July 2017 - Update

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will host a series of meetings in Lausanne as follows:

9 – 10 July: IOC Executive Board meeting, Lausanne Palace

10 July, afternoon: The IOC President will welcome the two 2024 Candidate City delegations at the Olympic Museum. 

4 p.m. – Los Angeles 2024

6 p.m. – Paris 2024

Media access will be limited, but a media opportunity will be organised at the end of each visit. Please contact the IOC Press Office for further details.

11 July, morning:

2024 Candidate City Briefing, SwissTech Convention Centre

The purpose of this briefing is to give both 2024 Candidate Cities – Los Angeles (USA) and Paris (France) - the opportunity to present their proposals directly to and have open dialogue with IOC Members and Summer Olympic International Federations, in light of the Commission’s report which was published on 5 July and in advance of the 2024 host city election that will take place on 13 September during the 131st IOC Session in Lima, Peru.

11 July, afternoon: IOC Extraordinary Session, SwissTech Convention Centre

The Session will discuss the proposal of the Executive Board to award the Olympic Games 2024 and 2028 at the same time, as well as other items within its remit.

12 July: 2024 Candidate City Briefing continued, SwissTech Convention Centre

Each City will have a separate room, where it can display models, show bid videos and interact with IOC Members and the media. In the morning, IOC Members will visit each City’s presentation room from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. The rooms will then be open to the media from 11.30 a.m.

Please click here to see the updated programme of events.

IOC Executive Board Meeting – 9 – 10 July

Venue: The Lausanne Palace Hotel

Rue du Grand-Chêne 7, 1003 Lausanne, Switzerland

A media working room equipped with free wireless internet access will be available, and the opening hours are:

9 July from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

10 July from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Media catering will be provided to cover lunches and coffee breaks.

2024 Candidate City Briefing and IOC Extraordinary Session – 11 - 12 July

Venue: The SwissTech Convention Centre

Route Louis-Favre 2, 1024 Ecublens, Switzerland

A media working room equipped with free wireless internet access will be available, and the opening hours are:

11 July from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. 

12 July from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Media catering will be provided to cover lunches and coffee breaks.

Broadcast coverage of the 2024 Candidate City Briefing

The 2024 Candidate City Briefing for IOC Members on 11 July at the SwissTech will be closed to the media. ** There will be no CATV feed.

An ENG crew will pool raw video footage of the delegations entering the room and taking the podium before they start their respective presentations (approx. 30 seconds), and this will be made available in the media workroom at no charge (please see below for more information).

This photo opportunity will also be available to a very small pool of photographers, which will include international agencies, plus a national pool for each Candidate City.

There will be a mixed zone at the Auditorium entrance/exit. Media will be able to film/photograph Candidate City members on entry, and to interview Candidate City & IOC members upon departure. Television lighting, microphones, speakers and splitter boxes will be available. The pool coverage and access to the mixed zone will be coordinated by the IOC Media Operations team.

There will be production and transmission facilities at the SwissTech to assist broadcasters covering the event. The following facilities will be made available:

- SD/HD stand-up positions for live programme inserts

- SD/HD tape playout (multi-format)

- SD/HD connectivity to the Eurovision Global Network

- Footage of the entrance of the delegations in the presentation room will be pooled and made available to broadcasters free of charge.

- Dubbing will be provided onto DVCAM, P2 or file on to broadcasters’ own hard disks or USB sticks.

- The feed-point will be operational on 11 July, and will be located at the SwissTech. To reserve a live stand-up or playout, please contact:

Eurovision - Nathalie Minard


Tel:     +41 22 717 28 40

**Given the huge interest in the cities’ projects and in order to share the excellent work of the Candidate Cities with the widest audience, the cities’ presentations, excluding Question and Answer session, will be shared on and on the Olympic Channel after the meeting has concluded.  Time to be confirmed. 

IOC Extraordinary Session

The IOC Extraordinary Session will be available through CATV. The CATV will show the live feed of the proceedings in the media working room. The Session will also be broadcast live on the IOC YouTube Channel and Periscope.

Five languages (English, French, Spanish, Russian and Arabic) will be available in the media working room via the headsets supplied (radio frequency).

Photographers and ENG crews will be permitted on the camera platform in the Session room as per normal practice. The access will be coordinated by the IOC Media Operations team.

The IOC President will hold a press conference at the end of the Session.

Please regularly check @iocmedia, where we will send updates on the timing of the press conferences. Live Periscope is available on   

Media accreditation:

The same accreditation will enable you to access both the Lausanne Palace Hotel and the SwissTech. 

Should you have missed the deadline to register, please contact us as soon as possible.

Accreditation cards will be distributed upon your arrival at the Lausanne Palace Hotel during the Executive Board meeting on 9 and 10 July. You can also collect them on 11 July at the SwissTech.

Accommodation: Media representatives are requested to make their own arrangements.


IOC Media Relations:
Emmanuelle Moreau
Michaël Noyelle
Rachel Rominger
Tel.: +41 621 6000

IOC Media Operations:
Lucia Montanarela
Tel: +393356165415


The International Olympic Committee is a not-for-profit independent international organisation made up of volunteers, which is committed to building a better world through sport. It redistributes more than 90 per cent of its income to the wider sporting movement, which means that every day the equivalent of 3.25 million US dollars goes to help athletes and sports organisations at all levels around the world.


For more information, please contact the IOC Media Relations Team:
Tel: +41 21 621 6000, email:, or visit our web site at

Broadcast quality footage

The IOC Newsroom:




For an extensive selection of photos available shortly after each event, please follow us on Flickr.

To request archive photos and footage, please contact our Images team at:

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