NWC Update
Network Computing
May 18, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
IPv6 Adoption: China Steps on the Deployment Pedal
A new initiative from the Central Cyberspace Administration of China and others aims for 750 million active IPv6 users by year-end and sets a 2024 cut-off date for IPv4.

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How to Put Your ‘Carbonivore’ Data Center on a Diet
By taking a strategic approach to their monitoring tools and tech stack, data centers can both help their bottom line and reduce their carbon footprint.
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Poison Control: Report Says Tech Workplace Toxicity Rising
Tech layoffs intensify perception of a toxic workplace, 45% of respondents in a new study said. Leaders know how to address the problem -- are they doing enough?
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5 Questions to Ask to Keep Your Organization Safe from Network Vulnerabilities
Here are the five most important questions that companies need to ask vendors and staff to minimize network vulnerabilities and keep their network safe.
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  • Modern Infrastructure for Modern Applications

    As an IT Professional, you need a new way of thinking paired with the latest solutions to provide better insights on the state of your applications to better monitor and administer your core network services on a real-time basis. Find ...

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The Need for a Source of Truth in Network Automation
Learn the importance of a Source of Truth (SoT) for successful network automation and how defining the intended network state can fuel your data-driven journey. Read More
Digital Transformation: IT Ops Takes Center Stage
Learn how IT operations is critical to the digital transformation process, enabling organizations to modernize their practices and adopt new technologies. Read More
Wireless Network Design in the Era of Multiple Wireless Protocols
To successfully design wireless networks for multiple wireless protocols, IT personnel must have tools that can adapt to a complex environment. Read More
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