AccountantsWorld Daily News

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IRS Provides Details on April 15 Postponement

(JofA) - The IRS issued a notice providing more details and clarification of its previously announced postponement of the April 15 tax deadline for individuals. The notice extends the date for making 2020 IRA contributions; however, it does not extend the date for estimated tax payments.

Make payroll your most profitable service. (Seriously!)

No matter what payroll solution you are currently using, you will generate more profit with Payroll Relief from AccountantsWorld while reducing your firm's workload. LEARN MORE

More Headlines
There’s Always Time For Coffey And Taxes 
(Forbes) - When is a tax return not a tax return? What does it mean for a return to be properly filed with the IRS? When is a nonfiler not really a nonfiler?

The Best Free Google Chrome Extensions 
(PC Mag) - Extensions let you customize your web-browsing experience by adding functionality with the click of a mouse. Here are the best add-ons you can get for Google's Chrome browser.

Ever Given Refloated and Freed!  
(USA Today) - The ship is no longer stuck, but it will take days to clear ships waiting to enter the canal. How the operation unfolded.

How Covid Changed the Accounting Profession for Good 
(CPA Practice Advisor) - As we reach the one year anniversary of stay-at-home mandates across the nation, it’s important to reflect on how COVID-19 has changed the accounting and tax industry as we knew it. For the past year, many of us have been waiting to return to “normal,” ..

My revenue grew 75% - heres how

Years ago, Steven Brewer, CPA saw the shifts taking place in accounting and decided to make changes in his firm to survive. They've grown their accounting revenue by 75% over the past 5 years – without adding more clients. READ HIS CASE STUDY

About AccountantsWorld

At AccountantsWorld, we value the crucial role that YOU play in core business services - accounting and payroll - just as much as you do.

That's why, since 2003, we've used the unprecedented power of the cloud to put you back in full control of your accounting and payroll services so you can best serve your clients, while raising your own firm's value and relevance. And we never sell our products or services directly to your clients.

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Payroll Relief
Accounting Power
or call 888-999-1366