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IRS Sent Incorrect Balance Due Notices to Couples

(Accounting Today) - The Internal Revenue Service admitted that some married couples received erroneous balance due notices for their 2021 tax returns. The IRS added that no immediate response to the notice or phone call were necessary right now and it’s working on fixing the problem.

How Payroll Relief can boost your payroll practice by 25%

Now that tax season is behind us, let’s work together to make payroll far more profitable. Payroll Relief® can boost your profits by 25% or more, all while reducing your firm’s workload. ATTEND OUR WEBINAR

More Headlines
Donating with IRS Funds & Staying Compliant 
(Accounting Web) - Do qualified charitable distributions actually trim taxes on RMDs? If so, are QCDs worth the bother? Tax expert Julian Block takes a deep dive into the regulations put forward by the Internal Revenue Service in his latest tax column.

What Your Clients Need to Know about Nexus, Home Rule, and Sales Tax 
(CPA Practice Advisor) - Businesses required to collect and remit sales tax in multiple states have a hard row to hoe. Keeping track of changing sales tax rates, online sales tax requirements and

Best Webcams 2022: Why Now is a Great Time to Buy One 
(PC World) - Webcams are now cheap and plentiful. Our buying guide will show you the best webcam deals we've found, plus tips on the best features and how to buy.

US Economy Shrinks for a 2nd Quarter, Raising Recession Fear 
(AP) — The U.S. economy shrank from April through June for a second straight quarter, contracting at a 0.9% annual pace and raising fears that the nation may be approaching a recession.

After-the-Fact Payroll: Full compliance, zero headaches

After-the-Fact Payroll is the most comprehensive cloud-based solution for payroll compliance. Your filings are always accurate and on-time. Prepare and e-file federal and state forms including W2s, W3s, and 1099s, faster and easier than ever. LEARN MORE

About AccountantsWorld

At AccountantsWorld, we value the crucial role that YOU play in core business services - accounting and payroll - just as much as you do.

That's why, since 2003, we've used the unprecedented power of the cloud to put you back in full control of your accounting and payroll services so you can best serve your clients, while raising your own firm's value and relevance. And we never sell our products or services directly to your clients.

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