California spends billions on homelessness yet the crisis keeps getting worse • America should follow California’s lead on sex education and HIV prevention education
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Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Irvine school dispute shows need for school choice

The Irvine case is a reminder that students need school choice so their parents can spend more time picking the right educational program than picking the right lawyer.

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California spends billions on homelessness yet the crisis keeps getting worse

California not only has the nation’s largest number of homeless people, but one of its highest rates of homelessness vis-à-vis its overall population.

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America should follow California’s lead on sex education and HIV prevention education

While California champions progressive policies, there are still misconceptions and resistance in our own state surrounding comprehensive sex education.

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John Stossel: Americans pay the price for an overly-complicated tax code

I’m pretty good at math, but I no longer prepare my own taxes. The form alone scares me.

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Whether anti-vaping activists like it or not, vaping helps smokers quit

States that have enacted bans need to reconsider the decisions they have made to curb the use of these products.

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Propaganda has trapped us in Plato’s Cave — the shadows aren’t real but the sun is blinding

Most of us throw up our hands and give up—avoiding political news altogether—but some of us dig into one version of the truth or the other

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Amid budget deficits, Newsom should target California’s bloated prison budget for cuts

Ignore the governor and listen to the LAO: California can achieve significant cost savings in its prison budget.

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This Black History Month, we need to teach the full history of civil rights

The towering achievements of MLK and Malcolm X would not have been possible without the help of ordinary people and everyday activists.

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No to Newsom Recall 2.0, an unserious waste of time, effort and money

We advise readers not to sign recall petitions, and for Rescue California to end this quixotic campaign.

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California’s Proposition 1 could be an improvement if more reforms follow

Voters will likely pass the proposition, but politically difficult action will still be needed to finally get the right beds up and running.

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