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February 2, 2023
Will Ag's "Technical Debt" Lead to A Southwest-Type Meltdown?
When one takes off agriculture’s rose-colored glasses, the reality is much of the industry’s technology has been held together with digital duct tape and baling wire.

If you follow Machinery Pete's reporting, you know his predictions don’t tend to be in his stoic Norwegian data guy DNA. But New Year’s resolutions are about pushing personal boundaries, so here's his list.


A high school dance proposal used to simply consist of asking your date to the dance, but now there is a lot of hype about when and how you ask. A recent proposal included a trip to the cow barn.


During the recent Top Producer Summit five farm operations from Mississippi, Virginia, South Dakota, Nebraska and Ohio were honored.


Lake effect snow will return for portions of the Great Lakes. Meteorologist Chuck Heaver has the latest forecast.

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