TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 5, 2017

Is America Past the Point of No Return?

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

Oligarchs representing monopolistic Big Pharma, Big Banks, and Big Retail/Fast Food are devastating us.  READ MORE»

Have You Ever Tried a Fad Diet to Lose Weight? Here's Why It Didn't Work

By Jill Richardson, AlterNet

No matter how much we might wish it, there's no magic bullet to quickly and easily lose weight and keep it off. READ MORE»

Media Allows Bogus Civil Rights Group ADL to Smear Israel Critics and Black Lives Matter Activists

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

The group routinely lumps leftists in with white nationalists and paints black critics of Israel as anti-Semites. READ MORE»

Poll Reveals Republicans Really Do Live in an Alternative Universe

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Only 7 percent of Americans believe that Trump’s tweets are presidential and 26 percent think they are “entertaining.” READ MORE»

'Snowfall' - America's Tragic and Deadly Embrace of Crack Cocaine Is Now a Powerful Crime Drama

By Melanie McFarland, Salon

Snowfall premieres this Wednesday on FX.  READ MORE»

3 of the Biggest Misogynists to Reach the Oval Office Before Donald Trump Got There

By Bruce E. Levine, AlterNet

Grover Cleveland was a real creep.  READ MORE»

Legal Marijuana Is a Big-Time Job Creation Engine

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

And that's not even counting people making a living in the black market.  READ MORE»

The Uncomfortable Whiteness of America's Most Famous Music Festivals

By Jemayel Khawaja, The Guardian

Some of America’s biggest music festivals bill themselves as oasis of equality, but a closer look reveals an awkward and, at times, uncomfortable picture. READ MORE»

Definitive Proof the GOP Is Anti-Life

By Patricia Miller , Religion Dispatches

Their indefensible position on maternity care proves they don't value life.  READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky: America 'May Be the Safest Country in the World,' But Its People Are Paralyzed by Fear

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"The U.S. has always been a very frightened society..."  READ MORE»

The Supreme Court Is Putting Us on the Path to Become a Christian Nation

By Sonali Kolhatkar, Truthdig

Even in 2017, Christianity is still the exception to the church-state separation rule. READ MORE»

The Deadly Folly of the Next Afghan 'Surge'

By Danny Sjursen, TomDispatch

We should be pulling troops out, but our war monger president can't help adding more. READ MORE»

Now We Have Our Own Head of the EPA Lecturing America on Climate Change

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

Climate denialism has overtaken the agency entrusted with protecting the public and the environment from climate change.  READ MORE»

Do African Nations Want Your Second-Hand Clothes? Yes and No

By gloriasb, DailyKos

Is your donation doing more harm than good? READ MORE»

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