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Delisting Proposal Jeopardizes Wolf Recovery

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has extended its public comment period on a controversial proposal to strip gray wolves in the lower 48 states of Endangered Species Act protections. During the 20th century, wolves were hunted, trapped, and poisoned nearly out of existence. Thanks to the Endangered Species Act, they are slowly making a comeback, but delisting them now would put their recovery in jeopardy.

Tell Fish and Wildlife that it’s too soon to delist gray wolves!

Bloomberg Walks the Talk

Former New York City mayor and Bloomberg Philanthropies CEO Michael Bloomberg has announced his biggest commitment yet to tackle the climate crisis head on. Bloomberg’s “Beyond Carbon” initiative, made public on June 7, will make grants to organizations, including the Sierra Club, to move the US entirely off fossil fuels.

The Sierra Club will use the grants to advance three critical goals.
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Photo by Anderson
Budget Bills We Can Support for a Change

The new pro-environment majority in the US House of Representatives has written several strong environmental budget bills that would restore funding for clean air and water programs, increase funding for the National Park Service, and remove anti-environmental riders that had been inserted into previous budget bills.

Tell your representative to support these strong environmental budget bills.

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Photo courtesy of the NOAA
What's Killing the Gray Whales?

More than 60 gray whales have washed up on West Coast beaches this year. Most starved to death. One possible explanation is that a rapidly warming Arctic is reducing the overall number of whales the Pacific Ocean can support.

Is climate change killing gray whales?

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Sign Up for Your Summer Adventure

It's summertime and outdoor adventure opportunities abound! Treat the whole family to an awe-inspiring outdoor experience; assist with rewarding service projects on a variety of fun and affordable volunteer vacations; learn a new skill on one of our backpack, kayak, canoe, or raft journeys; or travel to unfamiliar lands on one of our many international trips. 

Reserve your spot now while space is still available.

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Photo courtesy of Guthook
How Tech Has Changed Hiking

Technology has changed the way we approach and experience long-distance hiking. But is technology dumbing down what was once an undertaking best left to the skilled, or is it simply making these adventures possible for people who might not otherwise not have access?

Are apps, trackers, and trail vlogs democratizing or diminishing long-distance hiking?

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Photo courtesy of Lindi Von Mutius
The Look We Give

“There’s a look I get from black and biracial women when I’m doing something ‘outdoorsy,’” says Lindi von Mutius, the Sierra Club’s chief of staff. “It’s a look of recognition that says: ‘I see you. You look like me. We’re the only ones like us out here.’”

What is it like to be a woman of color enjoying the outdoors?

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The Houston Ship Channel Corridor under the toxic plume of the ITC fire | Photo by Bryan Parras/Sierra Club
Note: This article appears in English and Spanish.

Latinos Hit Hard By Toxic Onslaught

“The worst attack by any administration in history on environmental and public health protections is hammering Latino communities, which are disproportionately affected by the fossil fuel industry's toxic offensive,” says Javier Sierra, the Sierra Club’s associate communications director.

"The Latino barrios of Houston are a clear example.”

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Photo by Philip Hamilton
Stunning Images From the Deep

Underwater photographer and ocean conservationist Philip Hamilton laments that we know more about the moon than we do about the Earth’s oceans. With his stunning new book of photography, Call of the Blue, he's out to change that.

We picked 16 of his most breathtaking shots.

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Photo courtesy of Alvara Jarmillo
The World Goes Birding

If people all around the world were to go birdwatching during one 24-hour period, how many different bird species would we find, and what’s the total number of birds might we collectively spot?

Birders around the globe took a stab at finding out last month.

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Antibiotics in Livestock Need Stronger Regulation

One-third of the antibiotics that people rely on to treat infections don't have a legal duration limit for use on farm animals. The overuse and lax regulation of antibiotics on livestock is directly linked to an estimated 23,000 deaths in the US each year from antibiotic-resistant infections, and that number could rise to 10 million by 2050.

Tell the FDA to place stricter regulations on the use of antibiotics in livestock.

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Run the Great Smokies Half Marathon With Team Sierra

Last Saturday, Great Smoky Mountains National Park—the most-visited national park in the US—celebrated its 85th birthday! Team Sierra will mark the occasion on September 7 by running in the Great Smoky Mountains Half Marathon and 5K races. The runs take place just outside the park boundary in Tennessee, affording stellar views of the mountains.

Come raise funds and celebrate the Great Smokies with Team Sierra by joining our Half Marathon or 5K teams.

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Is Cardboard Safe for Mulching?

"Hey Mr. Green," asks C in Falls Church, Virginia. "I’d like to mulch paths in my vegetable garden with old cardboard that is too dirty to recycle. Are there dangers from the cardboard or printing ink to soil microorganisms? Are some inks more problematic than others? How can I find out?"

The Sierra Club’s resident mulchmaster weighs in.

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Anti-Immigrant Hard-Liner Appointed Immigration Chief

Former Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli has been named acting director of US Citizenship and Immigration Services. A climate-change denier and anti-immigration hard-liner, Cuccinelli misused his former office to target climate researchers and sue the EPA. Now he's set to make the Trump administration's immigration policy even crueler.

Tell your senators to come out publicly against Cuccinelli's anticipated nomination.

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Get Geared Up for Summer—With 30% Off

Get set for summer with outdoor gear from the Sierra Club—all 30% off with code SOLSTICE through June 22!

Free shipping over $75. Every purchase supports our work protecting our planet and its people.

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