TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 10, 2017

8 Senators on Comey Firing: Democrats Are Determined to Find What Trump's Hiding, While Not All Republicans Run to Trump's Defense

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Everyone knows this isn't about Hillary's emails. READ MORE»

After Trump’s Stunning Firing of Comey, Dems Immediately Demand a Special Prosecutor to Continue Investigations

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Fateful decision falls to career prosecutor Rod Rosenstein, a Republican favorite. READ MORE»

Documents Reveal a Powerful, Secretive Foundation’s Blueprint for Spreading Right-Wing Ideology, State by State

By Alex Kotch, AlterNet

Meet the Bradley Foundation, giving the Koch brothers a run for their money. READ MORE»

Trump's Tuesday Night Massacre: Firing of Comey Reeks of Cover-Up

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

Trump’s firing of Comey is being compared to Nixon Watergate firings. READ MORE»

Democrats Shame Republicans With 'Adopt a District' Plan to Hold Town Halls for Missing GOP Representatives

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

Republicans are running scared following their Trumpcare vote—and Democrats are poised to swoop in. READ MORE»

Will Macron Move Left, or Feed Populist Anger?

By Robert Kuttner, The American Prospect

The center holds—for now. France buys some time, while Britain buys trouble. READ MORE»

Donald Trump Is Radicalizing America's Court System Before Our Very Eyes

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

President nominates 10 judges to the federal bench, the first step in a right-wing corporate takeover. READ MORE»

Baby Born Clutching IUD? Free Abortion Vacations? Nope—but Such Urban Legends Are Very Useful to the Right

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Titillating stories can be more persuasive than facts, and the anti-choice movement loves its nutty urban myths. READ MORE»

Ivanka Used a Dumb Fake Presidential Quote in Her Book That She Clearly Learned From Her Dad

By Walter Einenkel, DailyKos

Her father isn't the only con artist in the family. READ MORE»

Former 'Apprentice' Star Has a White Hot Emotional Meltdown While Defending GOP's All-Male Health Care Group

By Elizabeth Preza, Raw Story

After Erin Elmore's weak defense of the lack of female representation, she went way off track. READ MORE»

1 Year Per Gram: Man Gets Insane 18-Year Prison Sentence for Weed, Judge Furious

By Justin Gardner, The Free Thought Project

Welcome to Louisiana. READ MORE»

A Swath of States Is Experiencing the Hottest Year to Date

By Andrea Thompson, Climate Central

From New Mexico over to Florida and up to Ohio, 2017 has been the hottest year on record. READ MORE»

Educated in America: Growing Up as an Undocumented Immigrant

By María Nolasco, The Washington Spectator

"I learned how to be a spy." READ MORE»

Brave New Films: What Everyone Can Do to Build Sanctuary Networks and Fight Trump's Evil Deportations

By Robert Greenwald, Angel Padilla, Brave New Films

Not just cities: We can become a sanctuary nation. READ MORE»

It's Not Health Care, It's Trump-Don't-Care

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

The GOP celebrated slashing insurance benefits for 24 million. READ MORE»

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