

Is It Time To Break Up Big Tech? AT&T’s True 5G Network Goes Live: Now Available in 10 Markets
In the past few years, some tech companies have grown to huge proportions. These are companies that many people use every single day. The biggest tech companies are so huge that they were responsible for 68% of US GDP growth. AT&T announced its true 5G network has gone live for consumers in 10 markets across the country today. AT&T made headlines nearly a year ago with the release of 5G Evolution (5GE).
FCC May Block Facebook From Integrating Its Various Messaging Apps
Ring Users Should Update Their Passwords In the Wake of Multiple Hacks
According to the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the Federal Communications Commission may seek a preliminary injunction to prevent Facebook from integrating its messaging apps. In the wake of multiple hacking incidents, Ring is recommending users change their passwords, while at the same time reassuring users the company has not been compromised.

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Move Over Self-Driving Cars: Self-Sailing Ships Are Here New Chrome Feature Will Alert You If Your Password Is Stolen
Samsung Heavy Industries and SK Telecom “have developed a 5G-based autonomous navigation platform that will allow ships to move to set destinations on their own.” In a blog post today, Google announced the addition of a significant security feature to Chrome, one that will alert users if their password has been stolen. 
Facebook Will Not Give Authorities a Backdoor to Access Encrypted Messages
DOJ Planning to Review Google-Fitbit Deal Over Privacy Concerns
Two months ago we reported on an open letter by Attorney General William Barr and his counterparts in Australia and the United Kingdom, calling on Facebook to create encryption backdoors. The Google-Fitbit deal over concerns about consumer privacy. We reported last month that Google had agreed to acquire Fitbit for $2.1 billion.

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