Good morning, Marketer, and is RevOps the wrong direction?

I’ve heard a lot of positive sentiment about RevOps over the past three years and in many wats it makes a lot of sense. It comes in different flavors, but the central theme is bringing marketing, sales and customer success together — either as a single team or as closely aligned teams — and have them all report to one person, possibly a Chief Revenue Officer, but the title really isn’t important.

Darrell Alfonso’s new article on what he calls “the revenue bubble” made me wonder whether the emphasis on revenue is appropriate for this particular moment in time. I’ve been writing and talking a lot about engagement and community, about non-transactional customer experiences — even B2B customers — and about ongoing relationships rather than quick sales.

Darrell makes the case that revenue might not be the best metric for this environment. That’s not to say that revenue doesn’t matter, but — paradoxically? — that focusing on revenue alone is not the best way to achieve growth.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

Is martech in a revenue bubble and how soon will it burst?

Revenue goals are important, but when they take over, customer experience, product and brand can get left behind.

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WordPress releases version 5.9: Joséphine

WordPress makes enhancements to the block editor and stretches no code capabilities in this new release.

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Where are your customers coming from?

“How did you hear about us?” It’s a question asked all the time by anyone who answers calls from clients or customers. What if you knew the answer before you picked up the phone? And could attribute the call to a specific campaign? Call analytics software does all that. This 2022 guide from MarTech examines the market for call analytics software, plus the latest trends, profiles of leading vendors, and recommended steps for evaluating and purchasing.

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How to scale personalization efforts with data-driven marketing

Gone are the days of assumption-based marketing. To succeed in today's environment, marketers need data-driven strategies.

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Podcast advertising spend surged in 2021

Podcasts are booming, making them yet another channel to be woven into an omnichannel marketing strategy.

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6 key marketing ops predictions for 2022

Marketing operations is finally having its moment in the spotlight and it's not going to give it up any time soon.

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Quote of the day: “One thing I hear a lot recently from marketing leaders / hiring managers is that they are really struggling to find marketing ops pros who have gone beyond the tactical and tech-focused manager to a strategic and business-minded director or leader. This makes me concerned because we don’t want MOps careers to stall.” Chrissy Saunders, founder and CEO, CS2 Marketing

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