Cancer Health Email Update
Alcohol Fueled 4% of Global Cancer Cases in 2020
Heavy drinking was the most carcinogenic, but drinking even one or two drinks a day was associated with a slight increase in cancer risk.
25% of Blood Cancer Patients May Not Respond to COVID-19 Vaccines
A study from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society finds that antibody production varies widely across blood cancer types.
Putting Off Lung Cancer Surgery Linked to Recurrence and Worse Survival

But individuals who sought surgery soon after diagnosis had better outcomes.

Racial Gap in Breast Cancer Survival Has Narrowed in Recent Decades
Despite these advances, Black women are still twice as likely as white women to die of breast cancer.
FDA Grants First Full Approval for Treatment of Lymphoma in Dogs

Lymphoma, also called lymphosarcoma, is a type of cancer that can affect many species, including dogs.

6 Steps From a Patient With Cancer on Being Your Own Best Advocate
Jennifer White, an Atlanta-based cyber security consultant diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), shared her tips on being her own advocate for the best cancer care. 
Healthy Recipe: Watermelon Gazpacho with Mint & Feta

This chilled soup is a totally wonderful way to eat watermelon.

Cancer Health Summer 2021
Check out our latest print edition!

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