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Dear Reader,

We live in the era of "fake news."

I sure don't believe everything I see these days – especially online.

But I try not to be too cynical.

I don't want to live in a world where we stop trusting our fellow citizens... neighbors... even friends.

The reason I mention this has do to with a guy I recently met – Rob Lamoureux.

He's a Stansberry subscriber. And a genuinely kind guy.

Rob recently recorded this video about how he retired early at 52.

He used this video to give away, in detail, his No. 1 favorite investing idea, which he's used to make 20%-plus returns for years.

Most readers loved this video.

But some are angry.

They think Rob's video is a con.

I really think you should judge for yourself, right here.

But I can't just leave it there.

Because unfortunately, some viewers have tracked down Rob's personal accounts online – and sent him private messages accusing him of being an actor... a corporate shill... or worse.

(Along with some notes asking if this idea really works.)

So let me be clear...

No, Rob Lamoureux is not an actor.

And no, he doesn't work for Stansberry, or have some secret, undisclosed relationship to our company.

I think if you actually saw the video, you'd recognize immediately how heartfelt and genuine Rob is. 

He practically tears up talking about struggling to support his kids and his aging father.

And then shares the one idea that helped him solve his financial problems – and retire comfortably at 52.

Rob put himself out there in a big way to share this idea with other readers.

If it doesn't interest you, no problem. You'll miss out on the really special opportunity we arranged as a "thank you" to Rob.

But please, respect his privacy.

And please understand that Rob's video is the kind of content that we're proud to share with you.

Something that will introduce you to some extremely valuable ideas, even if you don't spend a penny with our firm.

That's just about the opposite of "fake news."

I hope you get the chance to see Rob's video, while it's still online – right here.


Ken Millstone
Research Assistant, Stansberry Research