Good Morning! Today we have David Grow, Search Advisor at Goodway Group, offering his insights on how leveraging Smart Bidding by itself is not as powerful as combining with proper account structure for effective data analysis. He writes: If advertisers start by considering their goals, evaluating the levers and opportunities that exist at the campaign and ad group levels, and then take the approach that fits them, they will empower Smart Bidding to be even more effective in delivering powerful results. Also Boris Pfeiffer, CEO and co-founder of, shows how companies can participate in the current Facebook ad boycott without hurting their businesses. “Whether you are in a position to stop, pause or continue running Facebook ads, one way to champion the goal is to devote a portion of the money you use for ads to social impact initiatives,” says Boris. Benchmarking Survey 2020 We’re tracking six core marketing trends over the next few months to help you benchmark your response to COVID-19. Please complete this quick survey and see how you compare with others in the industry. Your answers will be treated confidentially. |