June 4, 2020
Dear Valued Reader,

I've been seeing a lot of RiskHedge ads lately for this "next big thing to change computing" that involves "computer vision" that will be installed in every phone... and while the ad uses that cute "chihuahuas and muffins" meme that you've probably seen all over, the more urgen implication, in recent ads, that this might even save us from the next pandemic by somehow scanning you for health indicators.  So what's Disruption Investor teasing here with this $4 stock that's got a Breathrough Designation from the FDA?  I tossed the clues into the Thinkolator, gave it a few cranks, and our answer popped right out -- just click below to...

Wall Street Legend, Teeka Tiwari, who picked Apple in 2003 - and Bitcoin in 2016 - shares his #1 Pick for the 2020s. 

Click here for full details.


I've had a bunch of readers write in with questions about this Cannabis Venture Syndicate teaser pitch, and it does sound awfully exciting... a growing marijuana company in Las Vegas, an exciting-sounding private deal that regular folks can buy into, and a huge plan for a $2 billion mega-resort cannabis destination near the Convention Center... and as always, the ad copywriters do a good job of making the slot machine jackpot alarms go off in your head.  I had to feed a few reams of small print into the Thinkolator for this one, but we've got a fairly interesting story as a result... just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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