To eliminate age bias in hiring, spell it out | Freelancers feeling the AI heat | How do you stand out? Be adaptable, researcher finds
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June 25, 2024
SmartBrief on Your Career
Getting Ahead
A study by the London School of Economics and the University of Essex found that subtle techniques are ineffective in reducing hiring bias against older workers, but that explicit diversity statements eliminated this bias. "While many firms try to increase diversity by changing their recruitment processes with nudging techniques or blinding applications, firms that choose to be explicit with recruiters about their diversity goals are more likely to achieve them," said study author Daniel Jolles.
Full Story: Forbes (tiered subscription model) (6/23) 
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Freelancers feeling the AI heat
Freelancers are feeling the impact of AI as jobs requiring basic writing, coding, or translation are disappearing from platforms like Upwork and Fiverr. Jennifer Kelly, a freelance copywriter, lost clients to AI-generated content, only to be asked later to improve the subpar results.
Full Story: The Wall Street Journal (6/21) 
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The defining trait of highly successful individuals is adaptability, and it is a rare skill to find in employees, says Harvard professor Joseph Fuller based on his decade-long research. "They're not wedded to some predetermined career path that they set when they were a student or starting their first job," says Fuller. "They're open to unexpected opportunities and embrace change instead of fearing it."
Full Story: CNBC (6/23) 
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The Landscape
Employees participating in 401(k) plans contributed 7.4% of their income in 2023, and the total savings rate reached 11.7% when accounting for employer contributions, according to a Vanguard Group report. An estimated 14% of workers hit their 401(k) savings limit, which is $22,500 for workers under age 50.
Full Story: CNBC (6/24),  401(k) Specialist (6/24) 
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According to PwC's 2024 Hopes and Fears survey, the proportion of workers planning to change jobs has increased to 28%, higher than during the Great Resignation of 2022. PwC experts emphasize the need for businesses to invest in employee skills and technology to retain talent because "job satisfaction is no longer enough."
Full Story: Reuters (6/24) 
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Your Next Challenge
Microsoft's Copilot AI recent ad suggests workers can attend three meetings at once, a claim met with skepticism and confusion. Copilot can summarize meetings, but the future vision includes AI avatars attending meetings, a concept also being explored by Zoom and Otter.
Full Story: Futurism (6/24) 
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The Water Cooler
Cannabis goes glam in NYC
Travel Agency cannabis store (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)
Curb appeal usually applies to high-end designer stores on Park Avenue or the like. Now it also applies to New York City cannabis dealers. While a citywide crackdown on unlicensed shops ensues, sophisticated New York smokers are finding an alternative that speaks to their love of a luxury lifestyle. -- Jaan
Full Story: Fast Company (tiered subscription model) (6/24) 
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SmartBreak: Question of the Day
There are 43 monarchies globally, which of these is ruled by a diarchy, where there is more than one ruler?
VoteThe Vatican
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I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June.
L. M. Montgomery,
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