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Quick Manufacturing News

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 Quick Manufacturing News 

In The Spotlight

Infrastructure Bill 6189d7d1af92f

President Biden's infrastructure deal aims to revitalize the US supply chain in ways the Trump and Obama plans never achieved.


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Is your data not fully digital or still trapped entirely on paper? If so, you've left yourself exposed to human error, data silos, and quality issues. Download this white paper to see how you can connect and contextualize your production line data.


Both manufacturers hope to be able to ramp up production in coming months; Toyota CFO says ‘the risk is becoming significantly smaller’

Machine Tool Welcomia

Manufacturers’ demand for new machine tools totaled $590 million during September, the highest monthly level for the current year as orders remain at a record from consumer and industrial sectors. 

Construction Visoot Uthairam

The construction industry will need an additional 2.2 million new hires over the next three years to meet the demand for housing.

Medical Supply Chain

Global trends in healthcare require shifts in innovation to reduce lead time and increase agility.

3 Degrees Logo E Nl 300x250

This case study will discuss how Stir Foods (a California-based food production company) made significant investments to transition its fleet from fossil fuels to electric. Learn about their current successes.

Product Spotlight, Courtesy of NewEquipment.com

Vco Tester

For high speed, real-time phase noise measurements using sources that require high stability in demanding applications, the FSPN Phase Noise Analyzer and VCO Tester provides sensitivity, accuracy, and reliability. It was designed for production and design engineers who characterize sources such as synthesizers, VCOs, OCXOs, and DROs.


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