This might surprise you... But did you know most Instagram growth strategies are hurting you? No one is telling you this. In fact, the "grow your Instagram" businesses and accounts don't want you to know this... They'd lose all their money if you did. But you're a member of the Early To Rise family, so I'm going to make sure you know the truth. I want your Instagram to only help you, not hurt you. These "growth accounts," they’re pushing you to chase the wrong numbers. The numbers that don’t actually help you make money from Instagram. They want you to fight for followers, spend hours editing pretty pictures, beg for shoutouts, and scam the system. This doesn’t work anymore! The only person who makes money by telling you that you need more pretty pictures are the people selling the courses on how to make pretty pictures. You don't need it. Some of the smartest people in America are tirelessly working in Silicon Valley to stop people from trying to game the system. So you need to do this instead to make sure your Instagram is your friend, not your foe. Because even if the "grow your IG" folks help to "grow your following," they're still hurting you. More followers does NOT equal a better Instagram or more money from Instagram. Most of those followers are low quality. In order to get high-quality followers... You need to learn how to connect, communicate, and sell to your followers. Once you're able to do that, not only will your Instagram grow, but your bank account will, too. Don't let your Instagram hurt you—make it your greatest asset. By the way, I'm about to teach one of my private clients exactly how to do just that. Talk soon, Craig |