TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 29, 2017

Is Trump Waging a Stealth War of Retaliation Against Sanctuary Cities?

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Evidence mounts that aggressive sweeps are aimed at jurisdictions that limit collaboration with federal immigration authorities. READ MORE»

Behind Trump’s Bloody War in Yemen: A Saudi Offensive Against Iran

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

The president pursues Obama's policy, but without restraint. READ MORE»

Golden Boy Tarnished: Trump Keeps Giving Jared Kushner More Jobs—but Is He Any Good at Any of Them?

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Does he wash the cars, too? Kushner apparently does everything in the Trump administration—when he's not skiing. READ MORE»

The Ugly Numbers of Trauma, Exile and Death Caused by U.S. Wars and Interventions in the Past 75 Years

By John Dower, TomDispatch

The casualty list is staggering. READ MORE»

Big Pharma Company Lobbies Against Legal Weed—So It Could Market Its Own Synthetic Version

By K.J. McElrath, Ring of Fire

Insys Therapeutics gave $500,000 to help defeat an Arizona legalization initiative last year. Now, the FDA has just approved its marijuana-based drug. READ MORE»

How the FBI Played a Central Role in the First ISIS Attack on U.S. Soil

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

Investigation finds an undercover agent encouraged a shooter in Garland to "tear up Texas." It gets worse. READ MORE»

Trump Lawyer Claims the Constitution Prevents Ex-'Apprentice' Contestant From Suing the President

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The Supreme Court ruled otherwise in 1997.  READ MORE»

Danger, Yogi: Republicans Intentionally Make It Legal to Hunt Hibernating Animals

By Sophia Tesfaye, Salon

The NRA-backed bill overturns an Obama-era regulation meant to protect biodiversity in Alaska's wildlife refuges. READ MORE»

How Burger King's Palm Oil Addiction Is Devastating Local Communities—and Planet Earth

By Hannah Lownsbrough, AlterNet

Burger King is at the front of the pack of corporations abusing human rights and the environment to satisfy its appetite for palm oil. READ MORE»

What Will It Take to Defeat India's Hate Politics at the Ballot Box?

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

The Uttar Pradesh elections underscore the urgency of uniting to defeat fundamentalism. READ MORE»

Trump's Big Boost to Law Enforcement Won't Make Us Safer—It Will Make Corporations Richer

By Emily Verdugo, AlterNet

The Trump administration's recent steps backward provide us with a critical opportunity. READ MORE»

Teenage Girl Shares Heartbreaking Story of Father's Capture by ICE: 'It Was the Hardest Thing to Watch'

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The 13-year-old speaks out at a press conference organized by Sen. Chuck Schumer. READ MORE»

White Flight Followed Factory Jobs out of Gary, Indiana—Black People Didn't Have a Choice

By Chris Arnade, The Guardian

Residents who know the ugliness of racial politics all too well blame automation, not immigrants, for the destruction and despair that Trump promised to fix. READ MORE»

Meet 9 Inspiring Women Taking the Climate Fight to Cities Around the Globe

By Heather Clancy, GreenBiz

"As women, we know all too well that the powerful often seek to silence our voices when we speak out to protect the most vulnerable in our communities." READ MORE»

Beyond the Myths of Mandrake Root: Why Societies Across the Earth Have Valued This Herb

By Harold Roth, Red Wheel/Weiser

Countless folklores' different spins on this man-shaped root: Jewish fertility amulets, urine of hanged men, Joan of Arc's accoutrement... even genies' balls? READ MORE»

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