TODAY'S TOP STORIES - May 18, 2017

As Impeachment Talk Hits the Mainstream, Over a Dozen Nervous House Republicans Have Flipped on Trump

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

The Trump administration is spiraling. READ MORE»

Michelle Alexander: What I Learned From Susan Burton, a Modern-Day Harriet Tubman

By Michelle Alexander, The New Press

Reading her life story will change the way you view the world. READ MORE»

Rick Perry's Early Days as Energy Secretary Have Been a Bonanza for Corporations and the Koch Brothers

By Alex Kotch, AlterNet

Perry is now the head of an agency he wanted to abolish. READ MORE»

Paul Ryan Tried to Squash Leaks After GOP Majority Leader Declared 'Putin Pays Trump': Report

By Bob Brigham, Raw Story

The astounding audio recording of Republican Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan was made in June 2015. READ MORE»

New National Map Shows That Education Privatizers Have Burrowed into Almost All 50 States

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Charter schools, voucher programs, private school tax subsidies and more. READ MORE»

New Study: Women Don't Want to Get Married Just Because Men Make More Money

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Are working-class couples more likely to marry if men make more money? New evidence says not necessarily. READ MORE»

Debunking the Latest Viral Pot Paranoid Theory

By Paul Armentano, AlterNet

No, legal marijuana is not sending teens to the ER, contrary to scaremongering headlines. READ MORE»

Investigation Reveals That Walmart and Lowe's Have Direct Links to Slave Labor

By André Campos, AlterNet

Logging camps in Brazil are committing one of the worst crimes of humanity. READ MORE»

Young People Are Leaving the Republican Party in Droves, New Study Finds

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Research suggests the future of the GOP may be more precarious than it appears. READ MORE»

What Would Happen If Donald Trump Were Impeached?

By Tom McCarthy, The Guardian

The latest whirlwind of news about Trump, Comey and Russia has again stoked the chorus for impeachment. Here’s how it might happen. READ MORE»

10 Reasons Trump Should Not Strengthen U.S.-Saudi Ties

By Medea Benjamin, AlterNet

Human rights abuses and funding terrorism, for starters. READ MORE»

Russian State-Run Bank Financed Toronto Trump Hotel Through Mystery Buyer: Report

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Money laundering for politically important projects. READ MORE»

Despite Donald Trump's Deep Unpopularity, MSNBC Is Moving to the Right

By Matthew Sheffield, Salon

Long perceived as the Fox News of the left, MSNBC's corporate management is ramping up the conservative hires. READ MORE»

Trump Appoints Hate Group Figures to Voter Fraud Commission

By Ryan Lenz, Stephen Piggott, Southern Poverty Law Center

For Kris Klobah and Ken Blackwell, a blank check for voter suppression. READ MORE»

There's a Strong Link Between Anxiety/Depression and Sleep Problems

By Joanna Waloszek, Monika Raniti, The Conversation

It's a catch-22: When you can't sleep you get anxious, but when you're anxious you can't sleep. READ MORE»

America's Largest Pension Fund Has Dumped a Fortune into Monsanto Stock

By Zen Honeycutt, AlterNet

Investing in a company that sells harmful products like the toxic herbicide Roundup is counter to CalPERS' mission. READ MORE»

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