TODAY'S TOP STORIES - July 10, 2017

Is Trump Simply the Worst Human Being We Can Imagine? 14 Experts Weigh In

By Don Hazen, AlterNet Editorial Staff, AlterNet

Not only did Trump quickly become the worst president ever, he may just be the most hated person alive. READ MORE»

CNN's 'Man of the Resistance' Is the Person Most Responsible for Trump Being President

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Blame Trump on Jeff Zucker, and throw in Morning Joe and Mika while you are at it.  READ MORE»

Republicans in Several States Are Lowering the Minimum Wage—Yes, You Read that Right

By Matthew Sheffield, Salon

With the political world focused on the health care battle, Republicans in at least four states seek to cut wages. READ MORE»

Making the Case that Drug Addiction Is a Learning Disorder

By Rachel M. Cohen, The American Prospect

And treating it punitively, Maia Szalavitz argues, is rooted in racism—not in science. READ MORE»

Trump Is Trying to Destroy Society as We Know It in America

By Vijay Prashad, Frontline (India)

This is the end of our nation's social contract. READ MORE»

Lefties Criticizing Liberals for Helping Get Us Into This Mess

By Conor Lynch, Salon

Too many American liberals have betrayed FDR's legacy — and the attacks from both left and right have some merit. READ MORE»

GOP Cuts Would Devastate Social Programs That Already Struggle to Meet the Needs of Poor Americans, Nonprofit Service Providers Warn

By Ebony Slaughter-Johnson, AlterNet

Nonprofit providers can supplement the social safety net, but they can't replace it. READ MORE»

How High-Cholesterol Foods Can Ruin Your Sex Life

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Maybe hold off on that bacon cheeseburger deluxe. READ MORE»

Why Democrats Should Follow the NEA, NAACP and Black Lives Matter and Unite On A Charter School Moratorium

By Jeff Bryant, Education Opportunity Network

Another rallying point labor and civil rights agree on. READ MORE»

Three New Marijuana Myth-Busting Studies That the Mainstream Media Isn't Picking up On

By Paul Armentano, AlterNet

While ‘reefer madness’ makes headlines, scientific refutations of these claims often go unreported. READ MORE»

You Get Stressed If You Don't Rest: The Science Behind Relaxation and Anxiety

By Sarah Jones, AlterNet

There are a number of ways that you can relax, and relaxation is a must to combat stress. READ MORE»

Millennials Are the Biggest Public Library Visitors

By April M. Short, AlterNet

A new study shows millennials visit libraries more than other generations. READ MORE»

Penn And Stein: Two Rich Democratic Hacks Peddling Lousy Advice

By Richard Eskow, Campaign for America's Future

The landscape has changed. Smart politicians like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Keith Ellison are the future. READ MORE»

Officers at One Police Department Fatally Shot Three People of Color in the Month of June Alone

By Celisa Calacal, AlterNet

Kent County PD claims 20-year-old Giovonn Joseph-McDade as its latest victim. READ MORE»

This Beef Farmer Had a Change of Heart and Sent His Cows to a Sanctuary

By Sarah Von Alt, Mercy for Animals

More than 60 cows will now get to live out their natural lives in peace. READ MORE»

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