Beware Traders! If you are experiencing any of these issues with your laptop, it's costing you a boatload in trading profits: Slow trade execution speed? Orders take a long time to get filled? Does your laptop sometimes freeze during a busy market? Does it take forever to boot up? Do you have connectivity issues? Do you sometimes get the Blue Screen of Death? Click here now to optimize your laptop for trading! (Clicking automatically opts you in β Privacy Policy) If any of the above happens to you, the reason is that you are trading on an unpowered laptop. Laptops purchased from box store just a few years ago are not capable of handling the extreme level of real-time data they we traders take in today. Worst of all, these issues cause something called "slippage." Slippage is when you go to make a trade, but the price you get the order filled out is completely different from what you expected. It happens because your data is stale. You are not trading the actual live market Then consider the indicators and analytics that your trading software is running. Your laptop can't handle. Fortunately, the latest edition of "The Complete Guide to Laptop Trading Computers" is available now. Click here download the Complete Guide to Laptops! (Clicking automatically opts you in β Privacy Policy) With over 37 years of experience in financial markets and computer technology, Eddie Z is revealing his top tips for configuring your laptop to ensure maximum profitability. Don't miss out on these insights. To your ongoing trading success! Eddie Z