IE Patriots Are On A Roll Patriots!
"We have been simply flooded with supportive comments during and after the #UIECC16. Not a single person walked away without a greater appreciation for the dire condition of our Republic, the inspiration to make a greater effort in her survival and the tools to begin that effort. Thanks to all who attended and to the many people who contributed to the success of the conference. Unite Inland Empire. And oh, we had a lot of fun too!" Don Dix
Thank you to our wonderful speakers, the Unite IE groups, the #UIECC16 planning team and especially to everyone who attended.
We especially thank Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots for giving a great opening keynote address and meeting with local Tea Party leaders over lunch.
While we had a great time, if we do not do anything different and better fulfill the obligations of our most important political office of private citizen, it will have been a wasted day.
As always, “The most important political office is that of the private citizen.” Justice Louis D. Brandeis
You can see Greg's collection of pics from #UIECC16 gathered from FB at:
Photos by professional photographer Greg Schneider are at:
As further benefit the networking at #UIECC16, John Berry secured #UIECC16 speaker and national security expert Frank Gaffney as our speaker for September 1. [It seldom hurts to ask.] We could not be prouder at having such an important national security expert come to our meeting.
April 7 meeting: Water, Trains and Donnelly, Oh My!!! Tim Donnelly returns to the Redlands Tea Party Patriots on April 7. In 2012, Tim drew our largest crowd ever, 246 people.
Tim Donnelly is running against Paul Cook in the 8th Congressional District. Tim was one of our great speakers at #UIECC16 where he said: "you can't be free unless you think free."
"After watching my Congressman cast bad vote after bad vote, one finally pushed me over the edge. Congressman Cook voted for the $1.1 Trillion Ryan-Pelosi budget, which among many terrible provisions irresponsibly increases spending and funds Obama bringing in 300,000 unvetted and unvettable refugees and illegal aliens into our country, mere weeks after the San Bernardino terrorist attack. I will not stand idly by as Congressman Cooks recklessly puts our community in further danger and piles more debt on our children." Tim Donnelly
To see other terrible parts of the Ryan-Pelosi budget, please see:
The Redlands Tea Party Patriots cabinet unanimously recommends Tim Donnelly, "A Patriot, Not a Politician." Sending Tim Donnelly to Congress will not only send a great Patriot to Congress, it will make the EstReps pay a price for their betrayal on the Ryan-Pelosi budget and so much more.
By the way, Paul Cook staffer explains why Paul Cook supports the crony capitalist Ex-Im Bank at the request of Boeing and Mitsubishi. “They are big campaign contributors of ours,” said Lesovsky “you know, we’ll help them out.” See the Project Veritas video at:
Connect with Tim's campaign at: -- and --
See the next column for info re: Tim's exciting fundraiser on April 22 at Riley's Farm with PolitiChicks Ann-Marie Murrell, Dr. Gina Loudon, and Morgan Brittany, along with Alfonzo Rachel, the surprise smash hit from #UIECC16.
"And if you can volunteer, we'll be walking every weekend and need people to call from home. To sign up, please contact We will have walks in Highland and Yucaipa."
Joining Tim on stage will be Aubrey Bettencourt with the CA Water 4 All initiative, who is leading the charge to strip the nutty, expensive, and unnecessary bullet train of its $8 billion in funding and convert that money to desperately needed water storage projects that will actually provide water to the people rather than money for things like bike paths and sand dune restoration in the 2014 "water" bond. More info at
The Los Angeles Times botched a story last week saying the petition had been withdrawn from circulation. Because of the skyrocketing cost of professional signature gatherers, California Water 4 All is going to qualify its measure for the 2018 ballot if it fails to get enough signatures by mid-April, the deadline for the November 2016 ballot. That means all of our signatures collected are valid and will be applied to the June 25 deadline, when California Water 4 All will submit for the 2018 ballot.
We will again collect signatures for the CA Water for All initiative at our Thursday meeting.
Also at the meeting, we will be collecting signatures keeping recreational marijuana illegal so we don't become the next Colorado, where toddlers now go to emergency rooms for eating legally sold, marijuana-laced candy known as "edibles."
And, for the first time, we will collect signatures for Californians for Death Penalty Reform and Savings, designed to get death penalty prisoners to die from execution instead of old age. (Their motto: "The death penalty system is broken, but it can and should be fixed.")
Finally! Our ground-game is about to get started! Also Thursday, John Berry, our canvassing grand poo-bah, will discuss our door-knocking campaign before the June 7 California primary. Notwithstanding social media, email and old 20th Century technology of telephones, the key to winning elections is still canvassing and knocking on doors.
Other Redland Tea Party Patriots candidate recommendations: The Redlands Tea Party Patriots cabinet unanimously recommends Paul Chabot in 31st CD. We recommended Paul in 2014 and he nearly won despite being out spent by more than 5 to 1 and possibly because of Dem vote fraud.
Paul started running the next day. Since then we have worked with Paul on many issues and events. Paul believes in the Tea Party principles, is a dedicated Patriot, a veteran and man of integrity.
Paul Chabot received the endorsement and financial support from the House Conservative Fund PAC, chaired by conservative Texas Congressman Roger Williams. The PAC works to elect conservative members to Congress. Chabot has also received the endorsement of the 300,000 member Gun Owners of America, the San Bernardino Police Officers Association and the 7,000 member California Narcotic Officers Association.
Paul opens his Redlands office on April 14. See the next column for info.
Connect with Paul at: -- --
The Redlands Tea Party Patriots cabinet is also pleased to unanimously recommend Donna Munoz for San Bernardino County 3rd District Supervisor.
"I am not a politician, I am a public servant. I have the qualifications needed to be your County Supervisor and the time and energy needed to do the job. I will put together staff dedicated to working with and for the residents of the 3rd District."
Make your vote count!
Mike Morrell. Was it ever open to question? Mike has a 100% rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
Jay Obernolte. 100% rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.
Marc Steinorth. Marc has a 97% rating from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. That is still pretty good and good enough to overcome our disappointment with Marc supporting toll lanes on the 10 and 15 freeways and his vote on an LGBT resolution. Marc is in a marginal district, and the alternative is much worse on every issue.
President: The Redlands Tea Party Patriots cabinet is 5-1 for Donald Trump [and we are still speaking to each other]. However, Ted Cruz won the straw polls at our January, February and March meetings. We recognize the strong feelings of our members so between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, we make no recommendation other choose one, and if the other gets the nomination, vote for him, holding your nose if necessary.
Senate: Our member Bob Larivee dropped out of the race. There is much to like about Tom Del Beccaro, who spoke to us in February, including his flat tax plan, but not including his immigration policies. However, his principle Rep opponent, Def Sundheim, is even worse supporting amnesty. The Redlands Tea Party Patriots cabinet does not agree on a recommendation at this time. (We will be revisiting this issue soon as more information becomes available.)
Other news: - Despite the Redlands City Council increasing our water and sewer by 55% over the next three years, the effort to combat their egregious tax scam is not over. Stay tuned.
- Kathy Ponce, leader of the Freedom Tea Party Patriots, will become a Ted Cruz delegate to the National Republican Convention in Cleveland if Ted wins Congressional District 31 during the June 7 California primary! Congratulations Kathy! An honor well earned for all her hard work on a variety of causes in the Fontana area over the last year.
- Need a good laugh? Local Democrat leader George Alfano wrote a column -- in the March 27 Redlands Daily Facts recommending the Reps support Hillary Clinton to help the Rep party. (We're not making that up.) Alfano's concern for the Rep party is as touching as it is genuine.
Trumpsters and Cruz Missiles. Guys...can we take it down a notch? In the end, the Trumpsters and the Cruz missiles need each other after the convention and maybe at the convention to stop the EstReps from stealing the nomination.
As between Trump and Cruz, the only rational Patriot decision is to support the nominee even if you have to hold your nose. There is too much at stake for America to do otherwise.
Tea Party Principles Speech Contest As a way of reaching the next generation and spreading the Tea Party principles, we are holding the first (hopefully annual) Tea Party Principles Speech contest. This is a great opportunity for young people ages 14-19 to compete. The prizes are very generous. First place winner will receive a whopping $2,000! Second place prize is $1,000 and third place is $500.
The contestants will address these questions: (a) Are the Tea Party principles valid today or should they be changed? (b) Will the Tea Party principles make my life and the lives of my friends and family and the next generation better? (c) Why or why not? Tea Party Principles: --Personal freedom with constitutionally limited government. --Economic freedom with opportunity for all and favoritism for none. --A debt free future through fiscal responsibility today.
We believe the Tea Party principles were an essential part of making America great, free and prosperous and are essential to restoring and keeping America great, free and prosperous. These principles are antithetical to the big government ruling class, which is why they attack the Tea Party movement so vigorously and viciously, but always without mentioning the Tea Party principles.
The deadline to register for the contest and submit a video speech was April 1. The finalists will compete at the Redlands Tea Party Patriots meeting on May 5.
For more info: -- and
Redlands Tea Party Patriots Online Have you explored our website lately? You should! Cabinet member Henry Vanderleest has been doing wonders adding more and more content so you can understand local issues. Under Henry's direction, our website and newsletter have become the leading sources of local conservative news.
Signup for Facebook and join the lively discussion with your fellow patriots! We are up to 1093 members! We welcome actual people who want to share news and information relating to conservative causes.
Check out our great websites maintained by Redlands Tea Party Patriots IT Director, Henry Vanderleest: and There are continually new articles about important issues.
Henry is still recuperating so please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
· Please also follow us on Twitter@RedlandsTParty See our recent Tweets at
And illustrating our "cutting edge technology," follow our new Instagram account: redlands_tea_party_patriots “The most important political office is that of the private citizen.” Justice Louis D. Brandeis
“We must have the courage to do what we know is morally right." Ronald Reagan
“I never worry about action, but only inaction.” Winston Churchill
“If there is something about government you don’t like, get together and do something about it." Howard Jarvis
“It is always too soon to give up.” Pastor Jack Hibbs
"Dear Conservatives...Forget your resolutions. Develop battle plans." Sonnie Johnson | Patriotic events:
4/7: Redlands Tea Party Patriots meeting, Water, Trains and Donnelly, Oh My! Tim Donnelly is running against Paul Cook for congressional district 8, which includes Highland, Yucaipa and the high desert. You think Trump sets the media's hair on fire? Try Tim Donnelly on the campaign trail! Also speaking is Aubrey Bettencourt, who is the leading initiative CA Water 4 All to use the money from the HSR boondoggle for water projects that actually deliver water to the people. . Mill Creek Cattle Co., 1874 Mentone Blvd., Mentone. Doors open at 5:30 pm with and-host dinner. Meeting 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Meeting is free and open to the public.
4/9: Chino Tea Party, The Chino Tea Party will be meeting Saturday April 9th, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM at a new location--Centro Basco Restaurant, 13432 Central Ave, Chino. There will be a $10 (cash) charge for the room and a continental breakfast. Guest speaker will be Douglas V. Gibbs, author and host of Constitution Radio. Please park on the south side of the restaurant. All interested persons are invited. For further information: Carol 951-415-4507 or Toni at (909) 438-0370.
4/9, 6:30 pm: ACT for America, Corona Chapter, New Hope Family Worship Center, 804 South Lincoln Avenue, Corona, 6:30 pm. Program: TBA.
4/14: Redlands Market Night, Our much-known Redlands Tea Party booth at Market Night returns to Redlands. Details TBD. Come join us even for an hour. Contact Jackie Siefferman for more info.
4/14: Chabot campaign headquarters opening in Redlands, 301 Ninth Street, Redlands. Grand opening! Thursday, April 14, 5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. Refreshments served. $25 donation suggested. Please mail check to: Paul Chabot for Congress, 3649 Mission Inn Ave, 2nd Floor Rotunda, Riverside, CA 92501. Please RSVP to Marc Troast 951-742-7886 or Please fax credit card contributions to (949) 858-6907.
4/15: Redlands Republican Women's club, Guest speaker is Sean Flynn, congressional district 31 candidate, economics professor, Scripps College, Redlands Country Club. Social starts at 11:30 am. Lunch served at noon. Speaker at 12:30 pm. Cost for Lunch - $16 Reservation required by April 13th. Call Laurie Tremain at 909 792-2501 to make a reservation. 4/16: Coffee with the Redlands City Council, 9 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Stell Coffee and Tea, 1580 Barton Road, Suite A. Redlands City Council members will continue their Coffee with the Council community meetings in 2016. The informal meetings are held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. on the third Saturday of each month, rotating among three local restaurants – Olive Avenue Market, 530 W. Olive Ave; Cuca’s Mexican Food, 1752 E. Lugonia Ave.; and Stell Coffee & Tea Company, 1580 Barton Road, Suite A. Council members rotate attendance, with no more than two members at each meeting. This is a great opportunity for citizens of Redlands to influence your city government.
4/18 [and on going]: Save Our Constitution, Our Constitution is under continuing assault from Obama and the Dem Left. They are on the verge of packing the US Supreme Court with a fifth liberal activist judge, Merrick Garland. This is crucial because the Supreme Court has the power to effectively amend the Constitution, adding or deleting provisions. Five liberal activist judges will be soft on crime and Islamic terrorism, further restrict religious freedom and freedom of speech under the First Amendment, uphold executive amnesty, and effectively repeal the Second Amendment. The four liberal justices already voted the Second Amendment does not provide a constitutional right to own firearms. If Garland or any other Dem nominee is confirmed the five liberal activist judges will rule the Second Amendment does not guaranty our right to own firearms effectively repealing the Second Amendment. Therefore, Constitution is at stake in who fills Justice Scalia's seat.
The Dems are pressuring Rep Senators to approve Obama's nominee. While Majority Leader McConnell says there will be no hearings or vote on Obama's nominee, no surprise, some of them are going wobbly.
On April 18, Obama's unconstitutional executive amnesty for 5 million illegal immigrants will heard by the US Supreme Court minus Justice Scalia. Jenny Beth Martin and other Patriots will protest Obama's constitutional executive amnesty and Obama's liberal activist Supreme Court nomination in front of the Supreme Court.
We can help defend our Constitution from California.
--Sign and share the "Save our Constitution" petition at:
--Call and tweet key Rep senators urging them to stand firm. Their telephone numbers and Twitter handles are at: Click on the Twitter handles and a prewritten Tweet opens.
--Download the toolkit with info and sample letters, posts and emails to the editor and senators at the above link and write, post and email away.
4/21: Freedom Tea Party Patriots [back in business, yeah], Freedom Tea Party patriots will be having their monthly meeting on Thursday, April 21 at 7:00pm. Social hour and no-host dinner is from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm with meeting starting at 7:00pm. Our Guest speakers will be Congressional Candidate Paul Chabot and "Mr. IE," David Phillips, who is a new and rising Rialto activist and Radio show host. Meeting will be held at Logan's Roadhouse, 13480 Baseline Ave., Fontana, CA 92336. For more information you can contact Kathy Ponce at 951-334-0820 or email at Facebook:
4/22: "Night with the Stars," fundraiser for Tim Donnelly, 6:00-9:00 p.m., Riley's Farm, 12261 S. Oak Glen Road, Oak Glen, CA 92399. Join Tim and PolitiChicks Ann-Marie Murrell, Dr. Gina Loudon, and Morgan Brittany, along with Alfonzo Rachel, the surprise smash hit from #UIECC16. Tickets are $100/person and $150/couple. Get your tickets at and please RSVP to
4/25: Mt. View Republican Club, 5:30 p.m. dinner, 6:00 meeting, St. Ambrose Church, 830 West Bonita Avenue, Claremont. Program: TBA.
4/28: Fundraiser for Tim Donnelly hosted by Donna Lowe, 6:30-8:00 p.m., 1495 Via Zurita Street, Claremont, CA 91711. Please join us for an evening with Tim Donnelly. Tim needs our help in getting elected to Congress and defeating Est Rep Paul Cook. Light appetizers will be served with coffee, tea and other refreshments.
4/29: The UCR College Reps and Young America's Foundation present "The Victims of Socialism," 5:00 p.m. at UCR, exact location TBA. Come join Dr. Lawrence Reed of the Foundation For Economic Education and CFO and Forbes columnist George Harbison in a discussion concerning the victims of Socialist and Communist regimes. All students are welcomed to hear the lecture and engage with the speakers in a dialogue on the role Socialism has played in the world. [This could be fun too. I sense a "triggering" coming on.] 4/29-5/1: Planes of Fame Airshow, Planes of Fame Airshow, 7000 Merrill Ave, Chino, Chino Airport. Annual airshow featuring more than 40 World War II aircraft as well as military vehicles. Kids under 11 years are free. Free parking. General admission $25 and preferred parking is $17.50. Tickets:
5/5: Tea Party Principles Speech Contest: The final round of the first annual Redlands Tea Party Principles Speech contest will be at the May 5 meeting of the Redlands Tea Party Patriots. First prize, $2000, Second prize, $1000, Third prize, $500.
5/19: Kris "Tanto" Paronto, Benghazi survivor, High-Desert Republican Women Federated are sponsoring Kris "Tanto" Paronto, who has captivated audiences as he speaks about his experiences about being one of four survivors from the 9/11 attack on the American consulate and CIA annex in Benghazi. Tickets: $100 each or $175 for two. Dinner included. Doors open at 5 p.m. and program begins at 6 p.m. For more information, contact Val Emick at 760-885-2001 or Dan Tate at 760-964-4976.
Freedom Tea Party Patriots, Dates TBD. Sean and Kathy Ponce are such dedicated and effective patriots, (and wonderful people too), we look forward to attending their meetings again in 2016. Contact info: .Facebook: Please see and download our calendar at To our Unite IE allies, if you want your event or meeting listed here and in our calendar, send the info to [Date, time, location, speaker (if any), cost, phone. Keep tuning into AM 590, Saturdays, 4:00-5:00 p.m., (and usually 10 p.m. that evening), for "Unite IE Radio" the show for the most important political office, the private citizen and turning conservatives into patriot activists in the cause to save America. We are co-hosts on the show and members of the Unite IE coalition. You can listen to previous shows And while you're tuned to AM 590 The Answer, listen at 6-7pm, Monday through Friday for the Jen and Don show. Don Dix is co-host for this show. The show features commentary on current events of interest to conservatives. Tune in to AM 590 The Answer for Phillip Naman on The Firing Line (1 pm Saturdays) to hear Phil discuss guns and the Second Amendment. Other Unite IE allied group meetings:!uie-calendar/cs9a Be sure to check our website calendar for even more events. The Redlands Tea Party Patriots is an all volunteer group of dedicated patriots committed to protecting and restoring the freedom and opportunity for you and your children and grandchildren to pursue the American dream through: ∙ Personal Freedom and Constitutionally Limited Government. ∙ Economic Freedom with Opportunity for All and Favoritism for None. ∙ A Debt-Free Future through Fiscal Responsibility Today We want to hear from you. We want your ideas, comments, criticisms and, of course, your help. You can email the entire Redlands Tea Party cabinet at If you can help the cause, please provide your name and a contact phone number as well as what you would like to do. You can also sign up at our monthly general meetings. OUR SPECIAL THANKS & APPRECIATION GO TO: Mill Creek Cattle Company Mill Creek generously allows us to use their facility to meet each month. We ask you to come early to our meeting and enjoy a no-host meal to help us show our appreciation. AM 590 The Answer for supporting our events as well as many other conservatives throughout the Inland Empire. Ed Hoffman, president of Wholesale Capital Corporation, for sponsoring Unite IE Radio. Please use Ed’s business for real estate loans. All Star Collision Repair and Auto Painting, 522 Railroad Street, Corona, 951-279-9161, is now sponsoring the second half of Unite IE Radio. Please use his business. Adrian Asencio graciously shares his time, energy and sound equipment with us at each meeting and most of our events. Should you have sound needs or music for a High School reunion or a party, please contact him directly at:, 909-794-7496 or When reasonably possible, support patriotic businesses who support our cause. |