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 Glenn Beck

Sponsored Message

October 10, 2016


Dear Friend,

I believe phase 2 of the Progressive plan is where we are right now. This is the phase of turmoil that was accelerated by Obama and precedes the introduction of Political System X. Look at the characteristics of this phase, and see if anything sounds familiar:

Phase 2: Sowing Political Turmoil

Allow chaos.
Chaos is an essential ingredient for the eventual rise of a new order. Progressives and authoritarians of all stripes understand this. Chaos is becoming part of our society, and their hope is that very soon we will call out for order... Read More

Enforce negative stereotypes.
This is an ongoing part of progressives’ efforts to divide our society. Efforts in the media, academia, and elsewhere—even in government—to shame certain segments of Americans are simply accepted. We stop seeing each other as individual countrymen and simply as stereotypes... Read More

Isolate, destroy, and discourage “truth.”
Progressives have a narrative, and they’ve been sticking with it for more than a hundred years. If you attempt to question them, you must be stopped... Read More

Encourage reckless habits.
Progressives want us to become ever more reliant on the government. In order to make that happen, they degrade our ability to rely on ourselves, even when we want to... Read More

Remain in shadows.
It is important in phase II that progressives stay out of the spotlight or at least that they define themselves as basically conventional liberals, offering no real damage to the country. They will have an important hand in controlling events, as they always have, but they are not yet ready to reveal themselves...Read More

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