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Middle East Forum

Israel Fears U.S. Laying Groundwork for New Iran Deal

Published originally under the title "Casting Wary Eye on IAEA, Israel Fears U.S. Laying Groundwork for New Iran Deal."

Signs are pointing in a worrying direction for Israel. A smattering of reports and meetings, and an announcement, appear to indicate that the US is moving toward a new deal with Iran over its nuclear program, and Israeli officials have broadcast fears that Washington is bowing to key demands from Tehran to finalize the pact.

The question for Israeli policymakers is how far along that path the sides have traveled.

Israeli officials are clearly spooked, especially after news emerged that the International Atomic Energy Agency decided this week to close its probe into traces of human-made uranium found at Marivan, some 525 kilometers (325 miles) southeast of Tehran.

Read the full article at the Times of Israel.

Lazar Berman is the Times of Israel's diplomatic reporter and a Middle East Forum Writing Fellow.

Related Topics:  Iran, Israel & Zionism, US policy, WMDs  |  Lazar Berman

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