12:10-12:45PM Dining Room Focus On Gray Swan Systems
As the TV industry becomes the CTV industry, it is not firing on all cylinders. Fill rates are not quite what they should be, and available inventory never quite matches right with opportunities. Some of these issues are strategic. But for many in the CTV business it’s a multitude of little things that chip away at performance: perhaps the pacing on a campaign is not quite right, or a supply source is missed, or campaigns are bidding against themselves as they try to make their numbers at the end of a month. And these events often go unnoticed, don’t get fixed, and pile up. And each one costs just a little bit of revenue: death by a thousand papercuts.
The winners of this transformation won’t necessarily be the organizations with the most popular offerings and biggest audiences. Rather, it may be the ones that can, so to speak, run the trains on time. In conversation with Rick Howe, The iTV Doctor, Zeev Neumeier, founder of Gray Swan Systems, a start-up just now emerging from stealth mode (note: Neumeier previously founded Inscape, now part of VIZIO), will discuss why the CTV business looks more and more like running an airline, and what tools business should load up on if they want to survive and thrive through the transformation.
Founded in 1998 by Tracy Swedlow and co-owned by Richard Washbourne, InteractiveTV Today, ITVT is the most widely read and trusted news source on the rapidly emerging medium of multiplatform, broadband interactive television (ITV). We provide concise, original coverage of industry developments, technologies, content projects, and the people building the business to our readership, which is made up of hundreds of thousands of executives from around the world. TVOT Studios and ITVT produces the bi-annual TV of Tomorrow Show (TVOT) conferences focusing on the multiplatform TV industry and its community of high-level TV, brand, agency and ad-tech executives. TVOT Studios produces many other services. (please see the graphic above).
For further details on all these things, sponsorship information or speaking opportunities, please contact Tracy Swedlow attracyswedlow@gmail.com.
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