
It Is a Multi-Cloud World, Says VMWare COO
AT&T CEO On IBM Alliance: It’s Wide, It’s Deep, It’s Formidable
VMWare allows the datacenter to act like a public cloud, says VMWare COO Sanjay Poonen. It is a multicloud world. Everything we do is laser-focused on growth opportunity, cost reduction internally, and transforming ourselves.
If It’s a Streaming War We’d Like To Be an Arms Dealer, Says IAC CEO
I Want Every American To See The Transformative Impact Of 5G - Verizon CEO
If it’s a streaming war we’d like to be an arms dealer, says IAC Chief Executive Officer Joey Levin. We have been on to 5G for seven years now. We pride ourselves with the best network, says Verizon CEO.

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Over the last several years we’ve diversified the business so that we have less and less exposure to fuel. It’s all of broadcasting that’s in danger because of what’s happened with streaming and with other services.
Recap: Social Media Week Lima  Virtual Restaurants Helping Power the Growth of Uber Eats
The takeaway from the conference was the importance of being human and of making human connections.
Virtual restaurants is a very interesting initiative, says Uber Eats EMEA head Rodrigo Arevalo.

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