Dear John,

Do you have dreams?

If you do, then you need to start your journey by getting your life in balance.

The journey to reach your goal is made up of action steps.

These action steps are part of a formula for making you successful.

Do you need something to take you step by step through the formula for setting your goals and designing the actions you need to take to reach those goals?

Of course, WE ALL DO!

Having your plan in writing and easily accessible makes it easy to follow and implement corrections when the need arrises.

That is exactly what the Performance Planner does.

Dad created and used this Performance Planner for decades. It truly is a time tested, proven system.

With it, you can set your goals and record information as you go through your action steps.

Your Action Steps Include:

  • Identifying goals
  • Benefits of achieving them
  • Obstacles you may need to overcome
  • Knowledge you require to complete them

You see...

Goal setting and achieving are tied very closely to your weekly schedule.

This helps you to stay ON TOP of it and work intimately with it EVERY DAY.

AND the record pages allow you to devise a detailed plan for your week.

While it is virtually impossible to work on the goals in each area of your life every day, the Performance Planner will make certain you touch all the bases you need to at least once a week.


Choose to Win!

Tom Ziglar

Proud Son of Zig Ziglar


Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306