Read our best stories of the week
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Read our five best stories of the week
September 3, 2022
It Matters That Joe Biden Used the F-Word
The president made waves when he referred to the Trump-drunk GOP as "semi-fascist." Republicans have earned it—and more.
by Matt Ford
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Danger surrounded Freud in Nazi-occupied Austria. Why did it take him so long to see it?
by Patrick Blanchfield
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is the latest Republican to claim woke capitalists are discriminating against fossil fuels.
by Kate Aronoff
The Russian president’s invasion of Ukraine is part of his broader mission to undo the late Soviet premier’s entire legacy.
by Thomas Geoghegan
The IRS has lost its ability to investigate tax-exempt organizations. What will that mean for our political system?
by Jasper Craven
From the archives:
A review of J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye”
by Anne L. Goodman
From The Politics of Everything Podcast:
More people are dying in traffic crashes. Is pandemic rage to blame?

by The Politics of Everything
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