Computerworld | As the uncertainties over when and how businesses might regain normalcy in the face of the coronavirus, U.S. companies are pulling back on IT staffing and contractors.
Mashable | One surefire way to take down an email system is to send a message with thousands of recipients attached only to have a few of them hit reply all, generating millions more emails. Now Microsoft is introducing protection against what are commonly referred to as "reply all email storms."
BetaNews | The total number of publicly reported breaches in Q1 2020 has decreased by 42 percent compared to the same period last year according to a new report from Risk Based Security.
ZDNet | A set of vulnerabilities impacting Oracle's iPlanet Web Server has been disclosed by researchers. Tracked as CVE-2020-9315 and CVE-2020-9314, the security flaws allow for sensitive data exposure and limited injection attacks.
Security Boulevard | What are the top three issues for IT admins building and managing a remote workforce? It’s a great question, and one that has varying answers depending on the admin and their organization. Generally, though, IT admins have three issues to address when managing their remote workforce: access, availability, and security.
Guiding Tech | If you are new to the Chromium-based Microsoft Edge browser, then this post might be the perfect read for you. This post is going to talk about the top eleven tips and tricks for the Microsoft Edge Chromium.
Several People are Typing | Today we have a tip from Slack because there aren't any SaaS updates. A global crisis means a 9-to-5 schedule may no longer work for employees. Here are tips from Slack managers on how to best support your teams
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