Why do Google and Apple maps recognize settlements, not Palestine?
Haaretz Weekend Brief
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Nentanyahu Gif
'Mr. Prime Minister, Do You Believe What You’re Saying? It's Embarrassing': The Netanyahu Interrogation Transcripts
| 26.09.2020
Netanyahu just before Yom Kippur 2020
Analysis || Captain Netanyahu Sets the Passengers Against Each Other as Mother Ship Israel Sinks
| 26.09.2020
A poster of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and King Salman, Riyadh, September 23, 2020.
Analysis || The Saudis’ Heads Are in the Clouds of Peace, Their Feet in the Yemeni Mud
| 25.09.2020
Screenshot: Searching for Palestine on Google Maps
Opinion || Why Do Google and Apple Maps Recognize Illegal Israeli Settlements, but Not Palestine?
, | 26.09.2020
Director Hachkar, in Tinghir’s former Jewish quarter.
The Muslim Moroccan Director Trying to Crack the Mystery of the Jews Who Left His Homeland
| 24.09.2020
Sudan's Prime Minister in the transitional government Abdalla Hamdok in Khartoum, Sudan, December 25, 2019.
Sudan Rejects Linking Removal From U.S. Terrorism List With Israel Normalization
| 26.09.2020
A villa with a private swimming pool
Goodbye Cities, Hello Country Livin': Israel's Coronavirus Exodus
Yael Belkin | 25.09.2020
Palestinian demonstrators run for cover from heavy shooting during clashes with Israeli forces at the Netzarim Junction in the southern Gaza Strip, October 6, 2000.
The Second Intifada, 20 Years On: Thousands Died in a Struggle That Failed
| 26.09.2020
A toy bear wearing a mask amid second lockdown on Rothschild Boulevard, Tel Aviv, Friday, September 25, 2020.
Coronavirus Israel Live: Tightened Lockdown Takes Effect as Serious Cases Break Record
| 26.09.2020
Heba Nabil Iskandarani.
Palestinian Refugee Receives Spanish Citizenship After Discovering Jewish Sephardic Roots
Cnaan Liphshiz, | 25.09.2020
Anti-Netanyahu protesters demonstrating in front of the Knesset in Jerusalem, September 24, 2020.
Analysis || Netanyahu Wages a Holy War Against Protests. It's Already Claimed the First Casualty
| 26.09.2020
U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez waits to enter a House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, August 24, 2020.
AOC Reconsiders Participation at Rabin Memorial After BDS Backlash
| 25.09.2020
The fragment of papyrus that became known as "The Gospel of Jesus' Wife."
How Uncovering the Truth About Jesus’ Wife Led to This German Pornographer
Yitzhak Hen | 24.09.2020
 A nun awaits the pope’s general audience at the Vatican this month.
Thank You God, We'll Take It From Here: Why the World Is Becoming More Secular
| 26.09.2020
An online demo of "Neural Voice Puppetry: Audio-driven Facial Reenactment," by Justus Thies, Mohamed Elgharib, Ayush Tewari, Christian Theobalt and Matthias Niessner, published on Two Minute Papers' YouTube channel
From Israel to the U.S., Deepfake Videos Are Becoming a Major Threat to Democracy
| 25.09.2020
Michael and David Breslow.
'And Then the Rabbi Said: The Conversion You Underwent in the '80s Isn't Kosher'
Yael Benaya | 25.09.2020
Parking lot in Yad Eliahu, Tel Aviv, February 18, 2020
Tel Aviv Kicks Parking Spots to the Curb, Driving Values Up and City Residents Mad
| 25.09.2020
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