ERP Lessons Learned, IT Success is in the People, The Machine-Aided Future, and more.

InformationWeek Today
May 24, 2018
Debiasing Our Statistical Algorithms Down to Their Roots
Eliminating bias in the data and algorithms that drive artificial intelligence and machine learning initiatives requires constant vigilance on the part of not only data scientists but up and down the corporate ranks.

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Take a Wrong Turn with ERP and Wind up in Court

Lesson learned decades after the dawn of ERP software: Read the fine print, and understand exactly what it means.
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Don't Get Side-Tracked by Flashy Metrics, Success is in the People

Defining KPIs can be a whole different ballpark when you're in public sector IT. But even if you're not, the takeaway from these stories can easily be applied to the private sector: focus on the impact, the people, the customer, and success will follow.
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How to Prepare for the Machine-Aided Future

More business processes and highly-specialized tasks are being targeted for automation with the goal of making people and companies more efficient. If you haven't considered how intelligent automation will affect your career and your company, and even if you have, following are some points to consider that may help you navigate the issue.
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GSK Updates Analytics Platform for Faster Drug Development

GSK began an overhaul transformation of its R&D data and analytics infrastructure three years ago. Here's what it looks like today.
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Improving Enterprise Authentication: Taming the Password Beast
Hear as experts discuss emerging methods for solving the authentication problem, and the need for bu...
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The Unstoppable Progression of Object Storage
New developments in gateways, plugins, and more, offer far more value to users of object storage tha...
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
5 Things You Should Know About Hybrid Cloud
Many enterprises are adopting hybrid cloud strategies, but in doing so, they face significant challenges. Read More
Tech Trends: Top 8 Priorities for IT
Survey data from The Hackett Group show how IT leaders are supporting the business side of their organizations. Read More
Interop ITX Reflections: Expert Advice, Predictions, and More
There was no shortage of expert advice and sage predictions as takeaways from last week's Interop ITX conference. Here are some examples. Read More
Cybersecurity Strategies for the Digital Era
At its core, digital business relies on strong security practices. In addition, leveraging security intelligence and integrating security with operations and developer teams can help organizations push the boundaries of innovation. Read More
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