The Soapbox: A weekly roundup of TNR’s political coverage
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A weekly roundup of TNR's political coverage
It’s Fraud All the Way Down at the Trump Organization
The massive civil suit launched by New York Attorney General Tish James describes the former president’s family business as a nesting doll of financial chicanery.
by Matt Ford
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Call it Style Guide Liberalism: a well-intentioned fixation on inclusive jargon that ultimately alienates many Americans—and not just those on the right.
by Harry Cheadle
When the residents of the tiny island town responded to Ron DeSantis’s stunt with a clinical demonstration of civic virtue, the right just about lost their damn minds.
by Michael Tomasky
As his approval ratings sink, the former president is growing more and more unhinged—and more willing to indulge his most dangerous followers.
by Alex Shephard
Charlie Crist, the Democratic nominee for governor, raised $1 million in the 48 hours after news of the GOP governor’s Martha’s Vineyard stunt.
by Kartik Krishnaiyer
From the archives:
Masha Gessen's new book traces the rise of repressive nationalism.

by Christian Caryl
The Politics of Everything podcast:
As national issues increasingly dominate local politics, the downsides of our federalist system may be outweighing the virtues.

by The Politics of Everything
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