TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 23, 2016

The Trump Election Is Looking Very Bad, Right? Brace Yourself—It Is Going to Get a Lot Worse

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

What AlterNet intends to do and what you can do to push back against this travesty of an election. READ MORE»

Pressure Builds for Presidential Recounts in a Key 2016 Swing State

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Will states that determined the White House verify their vote counts? READ MORE»

How to Prepare Now to Fight Against Trump Immigration Raids and Deportations

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Organizers say now is the time to prepare for resistance to the inevitable. READ MORE»

Turkey Alert: Beware of Lies About Natural Growth, Chemicals and Humane Treatment

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Here are some turkey facts that are definitely not on the label.  READ MORE»

What Would Trump Do? How We Respond to a Suspect Election

By Jonathan D. Simon, AlterNet

What can the nation we hear crying out in the night do to waken from this bad dream? READ MORE»

Bernie Sanders: 'It Is Not Good Enough for Someone to Say, "I'm a Woman, Vote for Me"'

By Matthew Sheffield, Salon

The insurgent who challenged Hillary Clinton said that the party needs to go "beyond identity politics." READ MORE»

1M Strong Ultra-Violet Network Targets Senators Staying Silent on Stephen Bannon

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

"They are endorsing this behavior, and that’s unacceptable." READ MORE»

Being Led by an Outright Conspiracy Theorist Like Donald Trump Puts Us All in Danger

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Trump is paranoid and vindictive, and there's a very real threat that his policies will be sculpted by his ego. READ MORE»

Is Porn Endangered in the Trump Era?

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

The adult industry is worried about its future bottom line. READ MORE»

At Lavish New York Gala, the Jewish Right-Wing Rises to Defend Alt-Right Godfather Steve Bannon

By Dan Cohen, AlterNet

Right-wing Jews and Israeli ministers celebrated Bannon and the Trump era. READ MORE»

Jill Stein's Post-Election Interview—Green Party Candidate Shares Why She Thinks Hillary Clinton Lost the Election

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

Stein complains that nearly three-quarters of the voters "knew essentially nothing about our insurgent Green Party campaign."  READ MORE»

Gilded Giving: What Happens When Billionaires Dominate the Charitable Sector

By Chuck Collins, Helen Flannery, AlterNet

A new report details the dangers of a top-heavy philanthropy in an age of extreme inequality. READ MORE»

Global Commission on Drugs Calls for Worldwide Drug Decriminalization

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

The high-level panel wants no penalties—criminal or otherwise—for drug users, and decriminalization for farmers, mules, and small-time dealers.  READ MORE»

'F*ck Him!': Media Bigwig 'Emotionally F*cking Pissed' After Bullying Trump Tried to Influence Press

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

“He truly doesn’t seem to understand the First Amendment.”  READ MORE»

Anthropologist: Why the Collapse of Mayan Civilization Could Resemble What We Are in for as Donald Trump Takes Office

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Arthur Andrew Demarest draws similarities between the Maya Empire and America today.  READ MORE»

Sobering Stats: Alcohol Abuse in College Far More Prevalent Than Thought

By Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Who knew that “Animal House” was a documentary?  READ MORE»

Trump Won Because of White Fright

By Christopher Sebastian Parker, The Conversation

It isn’t the first time America has seen something like this. Rapid social change spurred the growth of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s.  READ MORE»

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