Good morning, Marketer, it’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Which turns our thoughts to lots of different things, some good, some not so good. But let’s emphasize the positive as we remember Dr. King’s leadership in the Civil Rights movement.

One positive is that we’re increasingly able to have the conversation about diversity, inclusion and equity in the workplace. There’s a long way to go for most businesses to achieve the levels of diversity that will actually drive business value and help retain talent — but at least we’re talking about it.

In that spirit, we’ll take a break from the news cycle today and showcase some of our diverse roster of speakers at the fall 2021 MarTech conference. All of these sessions can be watched free, registration required.

Kim Davis
Editorial Director

How to future-proof your digital marketing strategy

Marketers need to develop digital strategies that can weather and adapt to our ever-changing world.

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How to choose and implement a CDP

The most effective CDPs are data orchestrators.

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Webinar: Prioritize Your Customer’s Digital Experiences in 2022

The world’s leading brands know the importance of the right martech infrastructure to drive revenue growth. And with 80% of consumers now saying they expect brands to have a consistent message and appearance across their digital platforms, having the right digital experience is becoming table stakes. So what can your brand take away from industry leaders? Join us for this webinar learn how to build and scale your martech infrastructure to meet constantly rising consumer expectations.

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How to measure content marketing ROI and ROE

Why Return on Effort is an essential metric for content marketers.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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3 ways marketers can build trust with data ethics

Why adherence to data ethics is the new standard for modern marketing.

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How to overcome data silos and fragmentation

Marketers need robust solutions and strategies to overcome data fragmentation.

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Quote of the day. “We may have all come on different ships, but we’re in the same boat now.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

From Search Engine Land

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