Ramadan Kareem everyone,

Today is officially the beginning of Ramadan in Dubai following a confirmed moon sighting last night. So, what's changed?

During the month of fasting, there will be hundreds of pop-up late-night buffets for iftar and suhoor throughout the month including everything from bargain bites to boxes in the sky.

The work day has temporarily changed for both the public and private sector while there are also slight adjustments to public transport times and paid parking hours that you'll need to take note of.

Have a great Ramadan,

Team Time Out

Ramadan 2025

The moon sighting committee has confirmed

Ramadan in Dubai 2025
Iftar time Prayer timings

Official prayer times hold the key to beginning and breaking the fast

Suhoors in Dubai

Incredible places to eat between sunset and sunrise

Vimto Arabia

The lore behind the British berry drink

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