"See you in court, Chairman Pai."

Hi There,

Our lawsuit against the FCC over its decision to destroy Net Neutrality is moving forward: We're scheduled to deliver our brief in federal court in November and will then prep for oral arguments in early 2019.

Our small legal team is going up against both the Trump FCC and the big ISPs in this effort: Chip in $5 (or as much as you can) to help us keep fighting.



free press action fund

Chip in $5 (or as much as you can) to support the crucial next phase of our lawsuit to overturn the Trump FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal.

Hi There,

“See you in court, Chairman Pai.”

Those were the first words out of our mouths when the Trump FCC voted to repeal the Title II Net Neutrality protections in December 2017.

Our legal team delivered: We were one of the first groups to sue the FCC to overturn its unpopular and unjust decision. Since then, we’ve been working alongside 23 state attorneys general and a coalition of public-interest groups and internet companies to draft briefs, vet legal arguments and challenge the FCC’s decision.

Thanks to the generosity of members like you, we’ve been able to give everything we’ve got to this case. But it’s been costly — and the fight is far from over. We need your support to keep us going strong.

Here’s a timeline of how this battle has played out:

  1. December 2017: The FCC’s GOP commissioners vote to repeal the Net Neutrality rules and abandon the agency’s authority to protect the open internet.
  2. January 2018: Free Press and allies sue the FCC on the basis of its broken process, deeply flawed legal reasoning, willful rejection of evidence — and absolute disregard for massive public input supporting the rules.
  3. June 2018: The FCC’s Net Neutrality repeal officially goes into effect, leaving AT&T, Comcast and Verizon free to control your internet experience.
  4. August 2018: Free Press files our initial brief in federal court with public-interest allies and entrepreneurial companies, making the definitive case for overturning Pai’s decision and restoring open-internet protections for millions of people across the country.
  5. November 2018: Briefing will end in the appeals court, with Free Press and other defenders of open and affordable internet access getting the last word in reply to the FCC and the ISPs’ phony claims.
  6. Feb. 1, 2019: Oral arguments are scheduled to be heard in federal court. It’s all hands on deck until then to prepare. We won’t see a decision until the middle of 2019 at the earliest.

With the outcome of the midterm elections uncertain, using the courts to slow or stop hateful Trump-era policies is more important than ever.

We have a strong case against the Trump FCC and a winning record to build on: From 2015 to 2017, we twice defended the Title II Net Neutrality rules in court and won.

Because our work is fueled solely by contributions from charitable foundations and individuals like you, your ongoing support is key. Please chip in $5 (or as much as you can) today to keep fighting the Trump FCC in court.

With thanks—

Matt, Carrie, Lucia and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. Member contributions have provided vital support to our lawsuit against the FCC over its decision to destroy Net Neutrality and hand control over the internet to companies like Comcast — but this fight isn’t over yet. Chip in $5 (or as much as you can) to keep our legal case going full-speed ahead. Every dollar you give sends a message to Chairman Pai: “See you in court.” Thank you!

Free Press Action Fund is a nonpartisan organization fighting for your rights to connect and communicate. Free Press Action Fund does not support or oppose any candidate for public office. Learn more at freepress.net.

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