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It is time to know your donors!

Whom to ask for funding? When to ask for funding? How to ask for funding?

If you know who your donors are and when to ask for funding from them and what is the process of asking for funding, you have better chances of getting the FUNDS! In fact, many expert fundraisers use this technique for finding fresh new donor partnerships. You can learn it now!

HURRY! This is going to end soon in
It's time to address Social Issues in the US and Russia! Enter into this Partnership Projects Competition
The Eurasia Foundation and US-Russia Social Expertise Exchange (SEE) is pleased to announce the 2021 project competition on US-Russia Social Issues. Teams composed of at least one US and Russian non-governmental organization are invited to propose innovative bilateral initiatives that will benefit both countries and address a common social issue in one of the thematic areas...[more]
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