Plus: Blame our healthcare system for low vaccination rates, and more...

June 7, 2021
Why Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley Won’t Be Punished for Fomenting a Riot
The U.S. Senate is incapable of policing itself—and the two Republicans are too shameless to resign.
by Alex Pareene


The upper body of Congress has become an colossal wreck where democracy goes to die.
by Michael Tomasky
People don't trust an industry known for bureaucratic traps and surprise billing to save them from the pandemic.
by Natalie Shure
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With big popular histories, Ferguson once aimed to influence a broad public. His pandemic book may resonate with a narrower audience.
by Ian Beacock
Bitcoin provides entreé to a wildcat market dominated by fraudsters. The ex-president clearly recognizes his milieu.
by Jacob Silverman
GOP leaders’ choice to block the nomination of a key environmental official for Governor Roy Cooper may prove counterproductive in the long run.
by Nick Martin




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