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Meeting the Digital Expectations of Today’s Customers

Remember the old days of digital experience? When a snazzy-looking website with good SEO kept the customers coming in.

Things have changed a lot since then. Social networks, IoT devices, smart speakers and other emerging platforms have created huge shifts in how customers find and engage with brands in the digital realm.

Desktop usage is in serious decline and 97% of mobile app usage is concentrated in just 10 apps, meaning that consumers increasingly interact with their favorite brands somewhere other than their website or app.

This new way of digital consumption requires a different approach to the technologies that drive the digital experience of today’s customers.

How can your brand become the top dog in this new landscape? Read Digital Experience in 2020 to learn:

  • Why the old-school approach to digital experience falls flat
  • What today’s customers expect when engaging with brands online
  • Which technologies are needed to exceed customers’ digital expectations
  • How to provide value to customers no matter which digital channel they’re on