Dear John,

Can you believe we're more than halfway through 2017?

I came across the following piece that I wrote a year ago, and it seems even more spot-on for me today than it did then. Maybe it will resonate with you, too!

It is time to step up.

Are you ready?
Are people asking you to step up?
Are you expected to step up?
Are you afraid to step up?

It is time to step up.

What is holding you back?
What could go wrong?
What could go right?

It is time to step up.

Your family needs you.
Your company needs you.
Your community needs you.
The world needs you.

It is time to step up.

What if no one ever stepped up?
What if Abraham Lincoln didn't step up?
What if Martin Luther King, Jr. didn't step up?
What if YOU don't step up?

It is time to step up.

YOU need you to step up.
ou have what it takes.
Not stepping up guarantees a future none of us want.
The only real risk is not stepping up.

It is time to step up.

Go ahead — take the first step.
You have untapped potential in you — develop it.
You have dreams — unleash them.
You have a Legacy to create — build it!

It is time to step up.

The world needs you.
YOU need you.
Step UP!

One of the things I love doing is helping people to step up through Legacy Coaching. If you are ready to step up and build your legacy, and would like to know more about Legacy coaching, then just reply to this email and I will personally respond.

You were Born to Win, so go ahead and Live to Win!


PS - Quote of the Day: "If we don't start, it's certain we can't arrive." — Zig Ziglar

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Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306