From Sian

Going against the crowd will raise some eyebrows, but hear me out…   

Hey gang,

Let's cut to the chase. I'm not going to Coldplay. Yes, you heard me right.

I'm not getting on the shuttle bus, I'm not singing along to Fix You and I'm not coming home with a pair of moon goggles after the sold-out gig.

You want to know why?

Because there are literally too many awesome things happening in Dubai I can't bear to miss. Squeezing in a trip elsewhere wasn't on the cards (sorry, Chris Martin). FOMO? I don't know her (at least not this time).

If your feet are firmly in Dubai this weekend, you can put them to good use by running the Dubai Marathon (or you can join me cheering on the runners from the side lines iced latte in hand).

After all that cheering I'll need some R&R (hey, treat yourself). I've got my eye on a spa deal with two hours of treatments, followed by a free movie under the stars (and it's my favourite - no judging please).

If you are going to Coldplay this weekend don't worry, I'll be back next week with a whole new wave of Dubai must-dos.

Until then, scroll down for my top inspo from across the city. And for my next confession? Tune in next week.

Over and out,


January just keeps getting better

Plan properly and you can take so much more time off

Go have some cost-free fun

Credit: The MAINE Oyster Bar & Grill JBR

A wallet-friendly night out? Yes please

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